
xp- My scheduled c/s turned into a surprise VBAC!

and I could NOT be more delighted!!

I woke up at 7ish on Tuesday morning to get ready for my scheduled c/s at 1:30 that afternoon; I was having mild cramps that I took to be gas and/or nerves; I was dreading the thought of the c/s that afternoon.  By 9ish, I was beginning to think maybe they were contractions bc/ they were getting stonger and kind of painful, but there was no pattern or consistency to them, so I still wasn't sure.  By 10ish, I was almost postive that they were contractions, but since there was still no pattern to them, I figured I could wait one more hour until it was time for me to leave for the hospital for my c/s. anyway.  By the time I got to L&D at 11:15ish, I could barely walk through them.  By the time they got me back to get ready for the c/s and finally checked me, I was at 7cm and begging for the drugs.  By the time my doctor rolled in, I was at 9.5.  He suggested trying the VBAC, shocking the hell out of me bc/ all along I had been told I was not a good candidate.  About 20 minutes later (along with a few pushes, an episiotomy and some forceps), my beautiful newborn son was born! 

I feel FANTASTIC and simply cannot explain how easy the recovery from a vaginal birth (even w/ the episiotomy and forceps!) has been compared to a c/s.  Amazing!!  I feel so lucky that it all worked out this way!

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