I still can't quite believe it! Z asked me if I could take her to her appointment today. Of course, I said yes! I got to see her house and her neighborhood. I got to meet her brother and spend some time with both of them after the appointment.
Z is doing well. She is due in 24 days! The baby's heartbeat was so fast and so strong -- it was so cool to hear!
We hung out a bit afterwards and went for ice cream (Z, her brother, and me.) It was very cool to get to know them better.
Re: Heard Our Baby's Heartbeat Today!
OMG - that is so awesome! I can't believe it's only about 3 weeks away!
You must be so excited - and it's very cool that you are able to have this time with Z.
what a beautiful sound!
It WAS such a good day.
I can't even imagine how incredible that was! And how wonderful that Z shared that with you. I am so excited about the relationship that you two are building.