This was me in January before I was KTFU
This is me 2 weeks ago
And it's just going to get worse. I still have my whole 3rd trimester to go. I'm just sick of feeling, huge, clumsy, tired and unattractive.
But I feel like all I've done is complain about this pregnancy, so I'm really going to try and be more positive. I shoudl get to schedule my c/s tomorrow at my appt and after that I am going to make a serious effort to look on the bright side.
But for tonight, I'm having a pity party. :P
Re: I'm having a pity party (PIP)
Love those jeans.
I think you look great, but it really doesn't matter what I think if you don't feel good about yourself. So I will say, my tried and true method of feeling better about myself is a new makeup look. It always fits.
And just makes me feel good to have a new look. Now would be a good time to get some new fall colors, too!
Great jeans!
You know, I felt that way my entire second pregnancy too. Now I look back at the pic that I posted below, and even though my arms are as big as my legs and my ass is as big as the deck, I still love it, and remember that time fondly. I know it's hard,but try to enjoy it- it's your last pregnancy, right?
And FWIW, I think you look great
Schedule a spa day when your H comes home- loved the prenatal massage!
I think that second pic is what my gut looks like right now!
You look great and ditto everything e said!
I ditto the new makeup/haircut/massage/pedicure, all that stuff. I felt like a mom hag my entire second pg and remember what a difference a new haircut made. I felt cute again!
Of course, IMO you look GREAT and will slim down again in no time afterward. I'm sure of it!
Nora Judith 7/2/06 Miles Chauncey 4/20/09 born with Trisomy 21 - Down syndrome
Awe, I think you look adorable!! Want me to send you a pic of my H's severed nut tubes and my molding eggs?! ?Sniff sniff, I want another one (or 4).
Anyway, I agree, go get some pampering and buy yourself a new outfit or two. ?ALWAYS made me feel better when pregnant :-)?
Ditto on the jeans-you will get into them again soon! Promise!
Sorry you are so over this pregnancy. Maybe if you schedule your c-section you will have a light at the end of the tunnel?
you are still a tiny little peanut! you're pg---you need to gain something!
I felt your pain. I even gained less with #2, but was still fatter and uglier somehow.
You aren't though. You're a cute pg lady. I wish I could be that small.
Have a pity party! You deserve one-you're pregnant!
LOL. My tummy may be all baby, but my thighs think they're pregnant too.