
Can 8 month old's say Mama?

Cause I think mine is.  She says it when she wants me, when I leave and when I enter a room. DH thinks I'm crazy, but I think she's really saying it! IDK, G and N didn't have a first word until around 10-12 months.

Re: Can 8 month old's say Mama?

  • dpdwdpdw member
    My DD was saying momma to me at 9 months, so I don't see why 8 months isn't possible.  Congrats!!  My DS didn't say momma until he was 18 months & that sucked.
  • My DD, who is not 8 months yet, has said it twice, and they were other people in the room who heard it. So yes, I believe an 8 months old can say mama. DS said it at 9 months old.
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  • I think they can say it even earlier but not to specifically mean you, just to babble.  But, by 8 months, I think it could be intentional :)  How fun!
    Ryan 5/2010, Kyle 1/2007, Eric 3/2005
  • Yay! I must have a super, duper smarty pants on my hands, lol. Stick out tongue
  • You do have a smartie pants ;) Mine are both early talkers too. DD#2 started saying Da Da (when you'd ask her to say it/ repeat it) at 6.5mos and about a month later she was using it with meaning. "Mama" came a few weeks later. There is no justice :)

  • Yes, my dd (the constant talker) said it at 8 mths.  She hasn't stopped talking since, lol.
  • my G did.  I have it on video.  so sweet!
  • Jonas has been saying mama since right around eight months.
  • Mine can.

    She started yelling it at me a couple of weeks ago. Last thing I needed was another kid yelling MAMA all the time. LOL 

    AKA KnittyB*tch
    DS - December 2006
    DD - December 2008

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