
I have something mean to say that is semi-related to the mean thing that Daily had to say:

That model? With the last name Fiore?

didn't that doooooosh bag Guy Fieri tell people  that it is pronounced


I mean, it must be if his is prounounced Fee-yeti.

I HATE that.

I hate that he says it like that, and I hate his stupid bleached hair and swingers-era "persona"

screw you food network!

sucks to your asth-mar.


Re: I have something mean to say that is semi-related to the mean thing that Daily had to say:

  • "sucks to your asth-mar" ? LOVE IT!!!
  • I haven't felt so lost from one post in a long time
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  • I like Guy.  Embarrassed

    He can make a clump of dirt look tasty the way he eats with such passion.

  • imageDaiLyght:
    I haven't felt so lost from one post in a long time


    you know how his name is Guy Fieri?

    he pronounces it Fee-yotee

    whenever I see italian names with an R in the middle- I think of him. and then I get mad.


  • imageA-baybride:

    I like Guy.  Embarrassed

    He can make a clump of dirt look tasty the way he eats with such passion.

    watching that stooge eat makes me want to wipe my own face with a napkin!

    and ffs, stop saying everything is so "money!!" turd.

  • And he always goes to places that seem very yummy, but I dont think I could eat at any dive/ diner within a 10 mile radius of him.  He would definitely leave a stinch. 

    But only b/c he is wayyyy cool.

  • mh has a big fat man crush on that dude. 
    Nathan 7-13-06 ~ Elizabeth 4-12-09 ~ Zachary 8-5-11
  • imageBrideofranken:

    I haven't felt so lost from one post in a long time


    you know how his name is Guy Fieri?

    he pronounces it Fee-yotee

    whenever I see italian names with an R in the middle- I think of him. and then I get mad.

    I have no idea who you're talking about, but I think I need to Google him now. I guess that would explain my lostiness.

  • Oh, its on like Donkey Kong, BoF!!!

    Guy is on my "list"....he is SOOOOO doable in that "cover me in chocolate and lick it off slowly" way.....I'd love to grab his bleached blonde hair and suck his face.....seriously....there is something about him that makes me horny.....(don't worry, DH knows, and he has added that italian chick from the food network to his list)

    Soooo......well, nevermind, a fight is stupid....I just know I don't have to worry about you c0ckblocking me......

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