With both pregnancies I had pretty awful morning (read: all night, all day) sickness. With DS I was puking through 20 weeks, and with this one I'm still nauseas sometimes but luckily the puking seems to have stopped at 15 weeks. However, with this one I am getting HORRIBLE headaches. Like so bad they're waking me up at night. When I'm not pregnant I have a prescription for migraine medication, but obviously that's not safe to take right now. What's weird is that I got maybe one headache the entire time I was pregnant with DS. It's making me think this one might be a girl - like maybe different hormones are at work this time.
How different were your pregnancies? Did it end up having any bearing on the gender? Just curious!
Also, if anyone has any advice for these headaches other than Tylenol (which has proven useless so far, but is all my OB was able to recommend), I'll take it!!
Re: How different are/were your pregnancies?
Mine were very different but somewhere along half way through it they "synched" and now it's pretty much the same. DD was a perfect PG but this little stinker has given me more trouble. Now it's all good.
I was convinced it was a girl with DD and this time I'm getting the boy vibe... 10 more weeks to find out
Headaches: ask your dr for some sessions of physical therapy. Sometimes massage can help with the headaches. Also, check and see if there are any food triggers for you (msg was a big culprit for my sister).
As for pgs, yes, they were a little different:
DD: m/s (just bad, bad nausea) for about 6 weeks or so; terrible heartburn throughout; carried her all over; linea negra pretty distinct; water broke on its own; bad and painful BH starting at 20wks; bad swelling starting at 26 wks that was not alleviated by walking (which seemed to make it worse) only being in the pool; very strong food aversions. Otherwise uneventful.
DS: little m/s for about 5-6wks but not consistent (more guerilla nausea that would sneak up on me and had me hovering over a trash can or toilet); super sensitive to smells; not too bad on the heartburn front; no real food aversions; linea negra (still there but faded from last time) didn't darken until after I gave birth; carried the baby all out front; bad and painful BH starting at 15-16wks; PTL contractions kicking in at 28wks so ended up on partial bedrest with terbutaline; swelling started around 28 wks and only better with walking; induced shortly before 40wks; different cravings than with DD.
DD -- 5YO
DS -- 3YO
There is a prescription medication that is safe to take while pregnant for headaches. I can't remember what it is but I know I had something during my 1st pregnanacy.
As for my 2 pregnancies - they were totally different and I have 2 girls. #1 was an easy pregnancy, no morning sickness, I carried low and was huge, had some vision loss that came back after the birth, had some other minor aches and pains but overall was easy and wonderful. Birth was long and yucky - back labor. High blood pressure towards the end.
#2 was bad from the start - I was bloated and had morning sickness before I got my BFP. I had tail bone pain that started towards the end of the 1st try and just got worse to the point that I could barely walk or sit by the end. Pre-term labor that started at 36 weeks and ended up bed rest since baby was not ready to be born per amino. This was a planned c-section due to issues with DD#1 but the 3 weeks of labor that I had was a breeze. I went in for my planned C in active labor and was totally fine, not in pain.
I carried big and low with both which was the only thing that was the same.
With #1 (DS) I gained a ton of weight (45 lbs) but other than that barely any issues whatsoever. No m/s, no swelling (wore my wedding rings to the hospital and wore heels until 38 weeks), nothing! Couldn't stand the thought of eating chicken. Was constantly thirsty and would lose my breath easily. Craved mostly salty foods.
So far with #2 - I've gained less but still have no m/s or swelling yet. Just ate a chicken sandwich and no real food cravings. No extreme thirst and not really losing my breath. However, I've had horrible, and I mean HORRIFIC hives, since 5 weeks. Total misery. At times my face will swell up -- it's absolutly disgusting. I have no idea what this baby is yet, but if the old wives tale that girls steal their mother's beauty is right, this is a girl for sure! lol.
So far it is like night and day. With DD, I was nauseous the entire first tri, then began to actually throw up, and continued nearly daily until (and during) delivery. My boobs grew by week 6, and just kept going. I had baby bloat very early on and was using a bella band by week 6 or 7.
This time, very little alike. Very little nausea until the last few weeks, and even then it is not daily or even lasting all day (like it did before). No noticable growth in my chest and only started having trouble with clothes around week 9/10. Very interesting.
I have no idea if they are different genders yet, but i am curious.
My kids are different sexes and both pregnancies were almost identical - same weight gain; same failing of GD one hour test (but no GD); severe upper right quadrant pain starting at 25 weeks, pre-eclampsia diagnosis at 37 weeks (only symptoms in both pregnancies were elevated uric acid levels and headaches). DD was induced at 38 weeks and DS at 37 weeks, 5 days. If we didn't know the sex ahead of time, I would have sworn DS was a girl because the pgs were so similar.
I wish I could tell you what to do about the headaches. I think you are too early to worry about pre-e so it's probably hormones. I know if they are really, really bad, you can take percoset but I wouldn't do that unless you really HAD to. On a few occasions with DD, I took phenergan, which is an anti-nausea safe for pregnancy. That seemed to help my headaches but would knock me out for 10 hours at a time - not good when you have a toddler running around!!
My pregnancies have been very very different. 1st was easy and this one has been much harder. M/S needing medication, headaches, backpain to name a few things I have dealt with this time around. Same sex, both girls.
My first pregnancy was pretty terrible with m/s right up to the 40th week. I had a boy.
This pregnancy has been awesome, great, wonderful. I am having another boy.
My first pregnancy had to be the one of the most enjoyable experiences of my life. I frequently wrote on our family blog about how I loved being pregnant, and although I was anxious to meet DS, I literally felt like I could be pregant forever, feeling the lil' guy kicking inside me. It was amazing. I did, however, have all day sickness (I refuse to refer to it as morning since it happened anytime morning, noon or night) in the beginning up until about week 17, but after that, I felt awesome literally the entire time. That was DS #1, who weighed in at 8 lbs 9 oz.
My second pregnancy was still easy in terms of no complications or anything, but I was pretty much miserable. I really have a hard time deciding whether this was the pregnancy itself or the fact that I was already keeping up with a very active baby-on-the-go. I still had morning sickness in the beginning, but not as bad, and it didn't last as long. However, the swelling, nerve pains, soreness, exhuastion, etc all started earlier and stayed until the end. I never had heartburn with #1 either, but it came towards the end with #2 - don't know if all that hair had anything to do with it ) DS #2 weighed in at 10 lbs 6 oz!! I have no idea if his weight had anything to do with it or not towards the end, but I was convinced he would come early because it just felt that way.