As you may know DH and I were debating on TTC #2 this past Summer and 1 thing seemed to be holding us back. Timing as much as I wanted one daycare issues for 2 really stressed me out! We have said for almost a year now that the plan was to wait until Spet. of 09 therefore when #2 does arrive DS #1 will be in preschool everyday until lunch therefore my MIL would only have both kids after lunch. Well now that Sept (pratically) is here EVERYTHING is RIGHT!!!!! I feel like 100lbs has been lifted off my shoulders we can finally start. Just knowing MIL will only have DC#1 in the am then both in the PM is a big relief. Don't get me wrong she could of handled them both all day if we had got pg sooner (and been due before DS #1 started preschool) but I didn't want to ask tooo much of her KWIM? No point to this other then I am finally 100% now is the time. Wish us luck please!!! I am soooo excited!! Only 2 more weeks until we are officially TTC!!!!
Re: I just have to tell someone b/c nobody in IRL knows...
I know exactly how you feel. My mom watched DD#1 for me full-time. When I got PG with #2, I really didn't want to unleash a 2-year-old and an infant on my mom all day, every day! Same as your MIL, she would have done it, but I really think she would have gone a little bonkers. So, I went part-time and put DD#1 in half-day day care, which is now basically preschool. She goes 3 days a week, on the days I work, and my mom has only the baby on those morning and both in the afternoons (and for now, DD#2 takes like a 3-hour nap for her). It is a relief when things work out. Good luck TTC!