Okay I am going to try to make my previous post a little more clear.
DD is currently 2.8 years old. She has been showing interest in PT, by asking to sit on the potty and sometimes she will go while on the potty and sometimes not. I am also asking her through out the day if she wants to sit on the potty. When she does not make it to the potty she will tell me that she went pee or that she is poppy and that she needs a diaper change. We are doing the same thing at school.
Fast forward to today I am trying to focus in on the potty training today while I am home with her for a couple of days. So this morning when I got her up I changed her and asked her if she wanted to sit on the potty and she said yes so we sat and nothing. A little while later I asked her if she wanted to sit and she said yes. So we sat for a little while and nothing. I told her that we can try again in a little while and to stand up and put her diaper on. She stood up and than sat down like this was a game. When it came time to put her diaper on she threw a fit and did not want it.
So I guess what I am looking for is does this sound like she is ready to try PT or should I wait longer? Does anyone have any tips to give a mom new to PT? I am going to see how she does with underwear for a little bit that was just suggested I do have 2 pairs so after that I am out of luck for a while. I hope this makes more sense
Thank you so much for reading
Re: Redo of WWYD: PT question Trying to make it clear
I didn't read your original post but will let you know what worked for us.
We PT'd dd at 29 months. Took away her diapers completely, only wore panties. We even took away diapers for nap and bedtime after a few days.
I estimate she had over 15 accidents the first day, including pooping on the floor in her room when I wasn't around.
My biggest recommendaiton is to bring a potty into whatever room you are in. That potty came everywhere with us for the first 3 or 4 days. She'd sit on it and watch TV, colour, etc. We had a little step stool for it that she used as a table when she was sitting on her potty.
By the end of the 2nd day she was usually going to the potty herself, and we had no more accidents at all by the end of day 3.
Good Luck.
PS. If you want to do this, and you don't have enough panties, just have her go commando. We ended up doing this much of the first day anyway.
Sounds to me like she's playing with you & that she thinks it's a game. IMO she needs to be able to recognize the urge to pee & only use the potty when she has that urge. I'm not a fan of sitting on the potty to "try" or sitting there until something happens. Either you've got to pee or you don't. Sitting there until she pees is just about timing it right, not her learning to recognize the urge & hold it until she gets to the potty.
That said, I suggest keeping her in underwear & letting her tell you when she has to go. If she has an accident take her immediately to the potty to finish up there, so she makes the connection. Have you read the 3 Day Potting Training method that's been circulating the boards recently? Since you have a few days at home it might really help.
When DD was ready, we went straight to underwear and only put pullups on for naps (only a couple of additional days) and night (another 2 weeks or so).
The first day, we gave her a good bit of water and took her to the potty often. After a day or two of that, we let her tell us if she needed to go and that was that. She was ready and it was very easy. I think she has had 3-4 total accidents (one was at night when she took her pullup off and peed on the floor because she didn't want to pee in her "night-panties" and couldn't get into the bathroom).