Stay at Home Moms

I know I shouldn't complain.

I have had a great pregnancy. Even when I was sick in the beginning, I have loved being pregnant. However, I am so stinkin' ready to have this baby for no other reason than I miss running. I'm horrible at working out at home. I just never do it and quickly lose interest in DVDs. I have to leave the house to get myself to work out. I just got back from walking at the park and I kept wanting to run, but I knew if I did, I'd be in pain really quick.
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Re: I know I shouldn't complain.

  • Hang in there, it's just a while longer. 
  • I remember when I was pregnant that I just had the biggest urge to workout. And now that I can it's hard to do. :) Just try and keep walking ... it'll help a little, even though it's not like running!
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  • Please don't say this...I felt the same way as you with #1 and then he was born at 31 wks, 5 me, you'd rather have them in there as long as possible. I know this isn't what you want to hear but I think that people who are able to go to full term should feel luck and grateful.?
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