
PTing question- WWYD?

My DD is daytime potty trained. She wears a pullup for naps/nighttime.

We are going to the zoo tomorrow w/ some friends.  Should I just put her in a pullup all day? Bring the toilet ring? Something else?

I am leaning towards  the pullup b/c she hasn't mastered not touching everysinglething in the bathroom, but I don't want to set her back, PTing-wise.


DD1 12.18.06 DD2 9.18.08 DD3 EDD 5.10.2012 BabyFruit Ticker

Re: PTing question- WWYD?

  • I'd take her in panties and bring a couple changes of clothes. Bring a pull-up with you for use after accident #2 if it gets to that point. Take her every time you pass a bathroom!
  • I know it's nasty, but I figure that's why we wash our hands super-well after a trip to the public bathroom.

    DS has been on a 6 hour, and a 9 hour road trip in the last couple of weeks; neither in a pull-up (which was my initial plan).  He told us when he had to go, and we made it happen for him.  He was able to hold it for a few minutes each time, too.

    I was SHOCKED he was accident free on our return trip from NY on Monday, but he did better at holding it that I was doing, since I had more bathroom breaks (well, in my defense, more diet coke, too.  :) than he did.

     I think it's important for them to be able to go anywhere.  And then use a shitton of soap/hand sanitizer.

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  • I know public restrooms are totally nasty but she has to use them eventually right?  I got some of those paper toilet seat things for kids and use them.  They are extra large so DD can hold on to the toilet without touching anything but the paper.  Good luck!  We're traveling 8 hours (each way) by car this weekend and will have to use lots of gas station and fast food restaurant bathrooms.  I am going to use lots of antibacterial wipes and try not to let her touch the baby.  Yuck!
    Lucy 12.18.06, Will 6.21.09 & Adeline 11.2.11
  • REOMREOM member

    UGH I know you guys are right. I just am being lazy and don't want to deal with yucky zoo bathrooms for any longer than I have to.

    I will give it a try!


    DD1 12.18.06 DD2 9.18.08 DD3 EDD 5.10.2012 BabyFruit Ticker
  • I bring a 'rag bag': clean rag (in case he has an accident on the floor or needs a wipe down), shorts, extra underwear. When we go out I just put him on any relatively clean potty.

    if it fits, bring the ring! we brought ours on vacation.

  • I would take her in panties and bring a couple extra pair of undies and shorts with you.  I try really hard to just let DS tell me when he needs to go when (because he needs the practice not waiting till the last possible minute), but in situations like the zoo trip, I would have him go 1st thing when we got there (we have a little potty in the car) to make sure he starts off well.  Is Gina pretty predictable with how often she needs to go?  I know my DS generally only needs to go about every 3 hrs, so I'd take him when we got there and then at lunch time.  Would that work for you?  If you do feel more comfortable with the pullup, maybe try it over the panties so she still feels wetness if she pees?
  • Do you have the fold up potty ring? ?If you're worried about her touching the seat, I'd use that. ?I usually try to keep DS from touching stuff as much as I can and just scrub his hands really well afterwards. ?He's been daytime trained for a year now, but we put pull ups on him last March when we were at Disney World. ?That was more to prevent accidents if we were standing in line for a while or otherwise had a hard time getting to the potty in time.

    I wouldn't use pull ups on her with the intention of avoiding the public restrooms at all, though. ?I think that might be confusing for her.?

  • I wouldn't go back to pullups during the day if she has been in underwear. We bring the ring everywhere. We DD was PTing I was amazed at how she went on it just fine in public restrooms. I always brought one of the ones we use at home on the big toilet so she was comfortable with it and in the beginning we always asked her if she had to go potty when we'd first get somewhere, and every 1/2hr or so.

    Now everytime we use a public restroom, E tells me "don't forget the rule. don't touch ANYTHING!" people are always cracking up at her and her germphob mommy :)

  • I would put her in panties and bring extra clothes.  She might surprise you and not have to go until it is time to leave.

    Which zoo are you going to  tomorrow?  I just got my Philly Zoo pass and can't wait to use it!

    Michelle Mommy to Kayleigh, Audrey and Faith. image
  • Great job, Gina!  Have fun at the zoo!  Ditto what the other girls said about putting her in undies.

    MarchMamma- we'll have to meet up at the zoo one day!

  • hey reom! 

    we skipped the pull up all together because noel seemed to think it was a diaper the first time she wore one. when we take long trips or go somewhere with shady bathrooms i bring our little bjorn potty.  it was like 10 bucks at bru.  its super easy to clean and wipe out.  i always make her pee before we go in to a zoo or whatever in the car (obviously in her bjorn).  my friends actually ask me to bring it when we go to the park or somewhere with cruddy toliets.

    she has been potty-trained for over a month now and has only had one nighttime accident (which was recently when right after i was bragging about how well she was doing).  the only other times she has peed herself have been when she was wearing the pull up (the first three days of pt-ing) and when she pees over the seat (she is a power peer...if it were an olympic sport, so would win medals for distance!)

    i saw - get rid of the pull up :) 

    mom to Noel 3.17.07 Morgan 4.9.08 Taylor 10.27.10 Baby #4 Due in July mc 2.3.06
  • REOMREOM member

    We are headed to the Bronx Zoo!

    Gina was disappointed with the lack of giraffes at our local zoo- TurtleBack.

    Michele- I'm sure the company won't be as good :)

    DD1 12.18.06 DD2 9.18.08 DD3 EDD 5.10.2012 BabyFruit Ticker
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