Hi everyone, I am not on here alot but something happened to my daughter this weekend that I want to share so you can protect your kids. My two daughters (2yrs and 3yrs) were in the bathtub and while I was soaping up my 2 year old, my 3 year old was at the far end of the tub where the water spout is. She leaned back or sat back onto the water spout and I won't get into details (they are painful) but the pull up knob (to turn the shower on and off) tore her bottom open. I immediately saw the blood and it was horrifying. I grabbed her, wrapped her in a towel an rushed her to the ER (thankfully is only down the street). I did not even look at it, I knew it was bad. Once the ER doctor saw her she immediately had us transfered to Children's Hospital via ambulance. We got there and a team of surgeons were called in to take her into surgery. We had no idea the extent of the damage because she would not let anyone see it well enough (they were afraid of internal damage). So the surgeons decided to sedated her to look at it, then decide what repair was needed and do it. We were very lucky... there was no internal damage, just a very large tear to her perineal area and buttock (not very pleasant becuase most of us know what an episitomy feels like, this was kinda the reverse). They repaired with stitches and we stayed overnight in the hospital. This was one of the most horrible experiences to go through and we were very blessed she will make a great recovery. She is doing really great and is up today playing. She is still sore but having to get a 3yr old to sit still and not run, jump & play is very hard. But I am glad to see her feeling more like herself. I really don't know what I'd do with myself if something worse had happened. I still cannot get it out my head and don't want anyone, especially any child, to go through this.
You think of your kids hitting their head on the spout but NEVER EVER did it cross my mind what happened to my daughter COULD happen, just never thought it. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE put spout protectors on your tubs and buy an extra long bath mat that covers as much as the tub as possible (www.onestepahead.com has a great one). Also make sure your kids stay seated whenever possible. We had our bathtub chlidproofed but had thrown the spout protector away 2 days before the accident because it was mildewed and we were repainting and redoing our bathroom. So if you need to replace any child protection device, buy a new one then remove the old one when you have a replacement because the one day you leave something unprotected is the one day the get hurt. Telling friends about this I was very surprised how many did not have spout protectors. Some don't have the knob for the shower on their spout like we do, but even if you do, you don't think of that as the hazard. No matter how old you child is, the spout is still a hazard. Please tell friends. Thanks for reading.
Re: WARNING: Bathtub accident... please read!
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Walk the Talk 5K - 5/18/11 - 31:12 PR
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Charlotte Ella 07.16.10
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