It won't be for a year or two, but I have been thinking about it alot lately. First, I feel like the world is kind of made for families of 4. One kid for each parent, just makes life very doable. Am I going to be constantly overwhelmed if my dh and I are outnumbered? Second, I feel like I am tempting fate. I have two beautiful, healthy, smart children. What if we aren't so lucky next time? I just worry that I have been so blessed the first two times maybe I shouldn't mess with a good thing for fear I could end up with a very sick baby, or dangerous pregnancy. But I have this nagging gut feeling that I am not done having babies. I so want to be pg at least once more, go through the whole pg, labor, newborn stage again. Am I crazy to worry??
Re: kind of freaked to ttc #3
Well, it is hard to find toothbrush holders...
Who cares what the world is made for! I have 3 and love it but it is a lot harder than I thought it would be and I am overwhelmed a lot of the time. But I wouldn't change a thing if I could.
LOL about the toothbrush holders. But yes, all of this exactly.
I posted something very similar this morning....but we are TTC right now