
If your child has eczema - has your pedi recommended not to vaccinate?

This is something I just read last night.

My DS has a mild case of eczema on his face. I am seeing a dermo and our pedi. Last night I just started to google eczema and read that since it is considered an "auto-immune" disorder you should re consider shots?! 


I have a message in with both docs -Neither one of them brought up this issue in the last few appts - I guess you can google anything out there and hear best and worst case stories.

and I started to think that the eczema flared up after his 4 month shots..... Anyone have any experience with this? 

This isnt something I'm considering - not to give him the shots ... Ugh... stress!!!!!!!!!

Re: If your child has eczema - has your pedi recommended not to vaccinate?

  • DD has it and has had all of her shots with no reaction
    Audrey Elizabeth 11-11-06 image
  • DS has had all of his shots, and no issues. He currently has a break out of eczema and hasn't had any shots in a long time! ;) Back away from google.
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  • It is kind of like allergies.  And everyone has different triggers.  For some kids the trigger is food related or environment related. 

    I'm not really sure why eczema would negate vaccines.  If your DC's eczema is triggered by eggs, then maybe vaccinations that contain eggs could cause a breakout.  But for the most part, vaccines are more important than an eczema breakout (IMO). 

  • DS had never had a problem with his eczema and his shots...
  • DS gets eczema and he also had all his shots on schedule with no issues.
    Alex (11/14/06) and Nate (5/25/10)
    "Want what you have, do what you can, be who you are." - Rev. Forrest Church
  • dd has both eczema and alopecia areata and they are both auto immune and she's had all her shots.
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