
Some progress!

We are doing FA, and although our process is MUCH faster than most...I still feel like it's slow moving. 

Monday night we completed our 9 week PRIDE class. Tuesday night (last night) we had our 4th home visit. We assumed (boy were we wrong) that, that 4th home visit would be our last, she'd do the walk through one more time and then we'd be good to go. She informed us last night that they had to do ANOTHER back ground check on me (i lived in an another state for my freshman year of college), and ANOTHER home visit after we finish spaulding..and she wants us to finish spaulding before we can be licensed foster parents.

In our state, foster to adoptive parents take a Spaulding class which is a two Saturday (all day long) class for adoptive parents. What we originally thought (and I have email to prove it) was that we would do foster classes, foster "stuff" become licensed, start placements and then start the adoption process with home study, spaulding classes, life book for us, etc. What changed was that she decided to do our home study WHILE we were in our PRIDE classes, and wants us to complete spaulding classes before we become licensed.  Which is fine...but the next two spaudling classes offered are not good with our schedule. One is a wedding of a close friend of his, and the other is a conference i've had planned for a year now. So now...we'll have to wait until possibly Janurary or Feburary in order to take the spaulding classes...ugh.

She did however, look over our notes last night and look at us and say..."well you two are open to sibling groups, which means we could really use you...let me see if we can license you, and then do an addendum once you finish spaulding.  So we're crossing our fingers she'll let us do that.

Well that's my update for now, hope everyone is having a good week :)



Re: Some progress!

  • Fingers crossed!
  • Oh that does stink!  I'm sorry you are up against this extra requirement that might postpone getting your license.

    Here's hoping that they decide there's no reason to keep you from being licensed, since it's not a foster requirement, and let you add the Spaulding classes on later on as you initially expected!

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