Nurseries and Baby Gear

Help! Need opinions on white furniture...

Does anyone use a white crib, dresser...?? Do you like it? Does it look dirty after a while? Opinions please....
me~ 36 DH~35 
Married in 2006, together since 2002
TTC since late 2007
Charting, ovulation testing, etc...
9 cycles of clomid =BFN
Met with RE in Dec. 2008
Diagnosed with lean pcos/ anovulatory 
IVF #1 April 2009=BFP!
DD born 1.14.2010
1 snow baby on ice since April 2009
FET scheduled for February 2016

Re: Help! Need opinions on white furniture...

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    I have white furniture and I bought it used, it still looks brand new.. You just have to take care of it..
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    Depending on how much you want to spend we have a less expensive set  - Graco - its in our blog ... www, . We love it.
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