Trying to Get Pregnant

Charting and Alcohol

I am reading TCOYF and I read that you should document when you drink alcohol before bed.  I usually have a glass (sometimes two) of wine before bed.  Is this going to screw up my temps that badly?  If so, if I were to have a glass how many hours before bed do I need to have it so it doesn't screw things up?  Or do I need to give up nighttime drinking altogether?
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Re: Charting and Alcohol

  • I think everyone has different experiences with this.  You won't know until you chart.  A couple times I've had high temps after drinking, and I think this month I had a huge dip!
  • I don't think a glass or 2 is a problem for temps, but over time as you see your patterns develop you'll probably notice if it does or not. as long as you see the tmep shift and the temps stay high after O you'll be fine.
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  • A glass of wine or two never messed my temps up.  Five shots of tequila did, however. 

    Test it out at the beginning of your cycle just to see if it shoots up. Smile

  • imagejustinlovesme:

    A glass of wine or two never messed my temps up.  Five shots of tequila did, however. 

    Test it out at the beginning of your cycle just to see if it shoots up. Smile

    this. :) I only mark "drinking" if I got pretty buzzed, because I know it will make my temp jump pretty high. I wouldn't mark it with just a drink or two.

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  • I had about 2 glasses of wine the other night before bed and it didn't have an effect on my temps. If this is something you do almost every night then you really won't notice a difference if it does effect your temps. 
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  • I drank almost every single night while I was TTC and I could still see my thermal shift.

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    Baby N conceived after 1 miscarriage and more than 2 years of TTC. Diagnosis was low sperm count. We found success after 3 months of anastrozole to increase DH's testosterone and one IUI.
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  • Thanks, all!  You guys know your stuff.

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    Missed miscarriage 12/26/11 at 12 weeks
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