The super nanny "ignore and put back in bed" routine did NOTHING for Mitch....several weeks later, he still gets out of bed and lays in the hall waiting for one of us to come get him and drop him back in bed......
Soooooo--what's next? Duct tape? Lock him in? benedryl?
Re: duct tape them to bed????
omg, I cannot imagine. ?I am so dreading the day Ethan realizes he can get out of his bed. ?
Can you do some sort of reward system? Sticker chart with a prize at the end of the week for staying in bed? ?
I lock the girls in (with a gate not actually locking the door). Seriously. DD#1 takes most of her naps on the choice. She just likes to. And they play together somewhat. (DD#2 is still in a crib and they share a room.) Still, I just leave them.
Can you leave him in the hall and let him fall asleep there? Can you put a gate across his door? Our pedi told us just to put a gate there. He said DD might sleep on the floor the first few nights but she would figure out the bed was more comfortable. My kid's just weird and likes sleeping on the floor but just for naps. She does sleep in her bed at night or when she's really tired for naps. Just if she stays up playing for a while does she fall asleep on the floor. It's kinda funny.