
kate gosselin is on larry king spinning bs right now...

she sucks. she should go away.

Re: kate gosselin is on larry king spinning bs right now...

  • she looks strange...i hate how she says always like OH-weeze...
  • Thanks for the tip - She bugs me

    ETA: Why go on the show if you can't answer a friggin' question?

    My kids, my kids, my kids - blah, blah, blah

    Audrey Elizabeth 11-11-06 image
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  • Annoying b!tch . . .  


     but I'm watching every minute!

  • My favorite is when she said she could live without all the cameras and stuff around them all the time. Yeah, right. Then your gravy train would end lady!!!!
  • imagegrja:
    My favorite is when she said she could live without all the cameras and stuff around them all the time. Yeah, right. Then your gravy train would end lady!!!!


    Audrey Elizabeth 11-11-06 image
  • Yeah, way to be clandestine there Kate!  She's a media whore!
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    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Umm and that is why she is on TV right now.  Hmmm.
  • if she basically has nothing to say, and is going to act all secrety about things...WHY is she on a media tour? what's she on tv to talk about?

    I don't get it all!

  • why does she keep saying that continuing to do the show through a public mess of a divorce is "healthy" and "safe" for the kids?

    WHY does she act like people want her on shows to talk about anything BUT her divorce and questionable decision making skillz?

    like- ooooooh- I don't feel like I have to tell you about my reasons for divorce...that's private!

    There is only one reason that you are still remotely famous! BECAUSE OF YOUR PUBLIC DIVORCE AND THE FACT THAT YOU"RE SUBJECTING YOUR KIDS TO TRAUMA ON TV!!!!!

    either talk about it or get out of the spotlight.

  • Seriously, go back to work as a nurse.

    I totally agree that she was mean and Jon was passive.

    Audrey Elizabeth 11-11-06 image
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