
twin pregnancies

For those who had/are having twins...did you have anyspecific symptoms that made you think there was more than one in there before your doctor told you? Just curious!

Re: twin pregnancies

  • No.

    After 2 rounds of IVF & 2 rounds of FET, we were blessed with identical twin girls!

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  • No--but then again, I had never been PG before, so I'm not sure if it is any diff. otherwise.
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  • Not really.  My Beta levels were high, but that's about it.  I barely had any pregnancy symptoms at all.  I found out at 6 wks 1 day, when there were 2 heartbeats & 2 sacs.

  • Not at all.  My doc didn't suspect it either.  We found out at our first u/s around 12 weeks.  It was quite a Surprise!!
  • Not at all for me yet, other than high betas.   I still don't really have any symptoms, other than sore bbs.
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  • Ok, I actually did have a couple "symptoms" :)  First thing that was very strange was that when I tested FOUR days before my period was due, the line came up so dark and so fast (way darker than the control line and within just a few seconds).  I tried with a few different tests/brands and got the same results.  I even joked that it might be twins!   In the past, I would get a very faint line until closer to my period.  Also, my hcg level at 20 dpo was 11,500 which is extremely high.

     When the dr showed me the two sacs/two babies at my 7 week ultrasound I could not believe it - not necessarily because I was having twins, but because I was right!!!!

  • nope
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  • no...other than I kept thinking "what if it's twins?" (since twins run in my family).

    Nothing from a physical symptoms perspective though... 

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  • No, but i don't have anything to compare it to.
    IVF #3 = ID Twin Boys TTC #3, June 2011 FET #1 m/c 9 Weeks, October FET #2 BFN, December FET #3 BFN, March FET #4 c/p, June FET #5 BFN, July FET #6 embie didn't survive the thaw IVF#4 September 2012 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Identical twin boys born at 30 weeks 2 days due to HELLP
  • No -- just the u/s.
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  • It was my first pregnancy, so I had nothing to compare to, but I had very early morning sickness then relatively high betas.
    After 20 months TTC with PCOS, we were blessed with twins!
    They arrived at 36 weeks after PTL and bedrest for 14 weeks. Lilypie Third Birthday tickers image
  • Just high betas and a really strong BFP line on a pregnancy test @ 10 days post retrieval
  • No symptoms. We suspected multiples b/c of the number of follicles I had. My DH thought it was multiples when we got my third beta back.
  • No!
    Mom to Harmon 1/17/08 and twins Rachel & Callum 8/28/09 Photobucket 29o0v13.jpg
  • NOOOOOO!!!! The only thing that will let you know if you are having multiples is an U/S.  My friend had insanely high betas and only had a singleton.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Mommy to twin girls, Ashlyn & Fiona, born at 34 weeks due to vasa previa.
  • I had a high beta, that's it, but that doesn't mean anything.
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  • No, I'd never been pregnant before... but I know that I wasn't nearly as sick as some women who even just had one.  I don't think there's any way to know.
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  • My betas were high. ?The 1st test came back at 1700. ?Then 3 days later 8400.
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  • I actually did.  With my son, I was completely symptomless.  No m/s, no spotting, no dizziness, cravings, aversions, strange smells, nothing!

    This time around, I started to get spells of dizziness and queasiness around 4 weeks.  Around 5 weeks my breasts started to get really tender and felt full and heavy.  Then around 6 weeks maybe?  I went to have some Cream of Wheat for breakfast (which I LOVE) and couldn't stomach it because it smelled like raw fish!!  It was the weirdest thing.  Then I was getting sensitive to all kinds of smells.  And my hormones were out of control.  I had mood swings like I have never had.  I actually sobbed the day I got my BFP and I have no idea why, because we were trying to get pg.

    Anyway, a few girls on another message board I am on were pregnant with twins and I remember reading some of their symptoms a while back.  It all kind of clicked for me and I started to wonder if maybe I was having twins too.  I actually posted two weeks before my first appt if anyone thought morning sickness at 4 ish weeks was really early and maybe a sign of twins.

    Right as my OB was about to put the wand in for my very first u/s at 11 weeks, she commented to me "You look really worried"  I said "As long as there is just ONE in there, I'll be fine."

    Guess what??  LOL  I saw them right away!

    I know they say every pregnancy is different, but I am positive I had such horrible m/s, cramps, and other symptoms because of the increased levels of hormones from the twins.

  • No. Found out at ultrasound.
  • not even for three.
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  • Not really; found out at the 12w u/s.
    fraternal twin boys born january 2009
  • My specific "symptoms" that made me think I might have more than one were:

    1.  Knowing we put in two embryos to begin with (although the RE said that if I were to get pregnant from the IVF, there'd only be a 30% chance that they'd both take).

    2.  Hearing the nurse say "That looks like twins to me" at the picture of our "perfect" embryos during my ET.

    3.  Having my RE's nurse tell me my beta (311 @ 9dp5dt) made her think there was probably more than one in there. 

    So yeah, basically no actual symptoms.  ;)  Just guesses from our RE and his staff.

  • Yes.  I had already had a singleton and the triplets were my 2nd pregnancy.

    1.  The MS was much more intense - Zofran was not as effective as it was with my singleton pregnancy.

    2.  I was more tired, drained, etc then I should have been.

    3.  I was showing almost immediately and outgrowing maternity clothes much faster that I should have been.

    Triplets discovered at routine u/s at 17.5 weeks.  I had been telling DH that I suspected twins.   


  • No- first pregnancy and basically had no m/s execpt being nauseas the first trimester and wasn't even showing around 18 weeks (when I popped)- there was no question in my mind I thought we were having one baby, until our first ultrasound at 18 weeks that showed otherwise :)
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  • I had some spotting in the beginning and I noticed my body giving off that pregnancy smell almost as soon as I was pregnant, but I was never thinking twins.
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  • With my single, I had higher betas than most of the people that posted about high betas being their 'sign' careful to read too much into betas.
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  • not really.

    my betas were VERY similar to my singleton pg... I only suspected twins b/c we had 2 mature eggs the day we did our IUI.  At our first US at 5w we saw 2 sacs.

    my m/s was a little bit worse with the twins than with DS1- but nothing too bad... and i know regular singleton moms with 2 pg's that differed a lot--- so twins doesn't = anything specific. you never know.


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