
I need lovey HELP..............................

DD is OBSESSED with her lovey. She chews on the corners. I have 3 of the damn thing. It is a double sided minky blanket (amy coe  butterfly patchwork from Target)

*Hopefully* she will start MDO soon and they do not want her dragging that thing around. I don't either.

I have tried

 Grankie (blanky) needs a nap.

Grankie needs to stay inside or it will get all dirty.

Grankie needs a break

I have tried making her a smaller version but because the corners are "not broken in" she refuses it.

For crap sake, Grankie needs some bleach and a hose down. It is disgusting. I wash and rotate the blankets because she drags them all over the house and outside.

I have no plans of taking it away from her for comfort but it is getting out of hand.

Suggestions. It really is a hazard. She falls all over the place when she drags it around. I put it behind her neck like a scarf but she has to have it "her way".


desperate mom with a lovey obsessed bottle drinking 2yr old.

Re: I need lovey HELP..............................

  • Madelyn has a lovey still, and she is almost 4.  It has not been washed in about 2 months because I can't get her to allow baby to go in the machine.  It is disgusting.  We have 4 of them, but she only likes the original for comfort.  The other 3 she will only play with.  She has actually taken pictures of baby with my iphone and then shwon them to me saying "Look how beautiful my baby is."

    I would say she was about 3 when I was able to break her of the "carrying baby everywhere" thing.  She now only gets her at night.  I think you have a while to go.

    And I am completely terrified that we will lose that thing on vacation.

  • DS has "ellie" a blue elephant...we have two-one for school and one for home. The home one stays in his bed 99% of the time and the school one stays in his cubby through the day. When we first get there he has it, but then gives it to his teacher and runs off and plays. We have told him "ellie stays in bed-if you want Ellie, you have to stay in bed with him." (for home) which usually means 30seconds of laying down with Ellie and then he ditches him. At school Ellie goes with him in the morning, but then he gives it to his teacher (once he's comfortable- like 1min later!) and he only gets it at nap time for the remainder of the day. There are days he is not feeling 100% and will want Ellie a little more than normal, luckily his teachers are ok with that and let him have it when he needs it.

    Good luck!!!

    On a side note...I need to re-fluff his lovely, it's as flat as a pancake! Can't I just cut a hole in the seam and push in some stuffing and then re-stitch it shut?

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  • I know it would be a PITA, but you're a fab seamstress so maybe you could take the binding off the edge, cut the blanket down and then reattach the binding so it still has the "broken in" corners?

    Or, what if you made a sticker chart and each time she did an activity without Grankie, she would get a star.  After so many stars, she'd get a reward?

    I don't know...the only thing Law is attached to is his MiMi (pacifier) and we've gotten him down to only having it for naps/bedtime.

  • Jayden has his blue blankie, Wayne. And for us, there is only one. He will accept no other. I guess one good thing is that he doesn't chew on it. He sucks his thumb and rubs the corners on his face. We left Wayne in a hotel a few weeks ago while on vacation and as soon as we noticed Wayne was missing we made a quick u turn!! My worse fear is losing that thing. IMO, you probably need to wait until she is ready to get rid of the lovey. Jayden is 2.5 now and seems to be slowly getting rid of Wayne. He used to carry it around everywhere, but lately Wayne spends most of the day in the bedroom. That may change though once he gets stressed out with starting therapy over again. So I know he will need Wayne for comfort. As with your daughter, she may need Grankie at MDO b/c it's an adjustment. Ask them if they would allow her to bring Grankie for the first few weeks and then slowly try to get her to leave it home.
    Nia, Mom to Jayden Michael, Born 12/04/06, Adopted 12/07/06
    And Elias Parker, Born 3.5 weeks early 12/20/2011 image
    FINALLY!!! After 7 years of infertility! Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Makinroom- Jayden is absolutely precious! Wayne is an awesome name for his husband and I both got a laugh! :)

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