The vaccine isn't going to be available until October but kids are going back to school now! It seems as soon as school starts, viruses start.
Rachel isn't in daycare, but my husband and I both work. I am so scared we are going to catch it at work and bring it home to her.
It is so unlike me to worry about things like this. I would normally just say it is the news media over-hyping the threat, but I worry about my little girl.
Re: I am starting to freak out about H1N1. Talk me down from the ledge Preemie Board.
I'm no help. A few members of my family had H1N1 this summer, and a couple of them got very sick (one of them was in ICU for several days, but he has emphysema). I'm freaked.
Our pediatrician keeps telling us that in kids, H1N1 is a mild infection and not as bad as the regular flu. But it's such a new virus that I can't help but think they have limited information on it now.
Brady Phoenix, 8.29.09
Claire Zoe, 10.26.10