
22/23 week appt and U/S

Both babies looked great, both measured 1lb 1oz.  My cervix is 4.5 (yay, so I know for now I'm not over doing it).  Doc said that they're perfect.  Baby B had some sort of cyst on his brain that was a marker for T-18, OB said (at 17w U/S) that it should be cleared up by 28w, the cycst was resolved by our appt today, so nice to know that he's perfectly healthy.  Didn't even look at the scale to see how much I'd gained, I gained 8 pounds in less than 3w last time, I don't know that I'll look at my weight again until my last appt because I really don't want to worry about it (I know he would tell me if I needed to gain more/less).  Anyway, just felt like a good appt all around.  We let my mom go to the U/S so that made her day.

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