
Help! Do they make any train tables w glued down tracks?

Please help me find one! I know the boys would love one, but it would wind up in a billion pcs all over the place. Even partially glued down would be great.

Re: Help! Do they make any train tables w glued down tracks?

  • I don't know if they make them like that but I do have a few friends that have screwed theirs into the train table!
  • I don't think I've seen any that are already glued down.

    There is this one from Step2 but it isn't wooden

                                                 Rainbow - Married - 5/31/03
                                               Christian Alexander - 11/13/06
                                        Amelia Rose & Owen Thomas - 3/29/11

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    Lilypie - (eGB2)
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  • Most people with glued down tracks glued theirs down themselves.  The Thomas store used to make these little things that "locked" the track together and made it harder to take apart.  They work with the Imaginarium tracks too.  We just make the girls put theirs away in big bins at night or the trains go into the garage for a few weeks. 
    Proud Mommy to Kaylie 12-04, Alaina 5-06 & Annalise 6-08 imageimage
  • I haven't seen them sold that way, but you could glue them down yourself.  Another option might be to use Suretrack (sp?).  I found it on Amazon.  It's a box of little clips that help to hold the track together.  I actually wouldn't want to glue it down, because part of the fun (for us at least) is creating new tracks.  We don't have room in our house for a train table, so we just build them on the living room floor.  When we clean up in the evening, we put all of the track pieces and trains in baskets.
  • we bought one on craigslist already glued down. best purchase! We also have a box of loose tracks for floorplay.
  • lsufan - I think I love you.  We've been planning to buy a train table for C for Christmas but I was worried about the tracks being everywhere.  I didn't really want to glue them in place (time & labor intensive as well as what you mentioned about not being able to change it up) and now I know we won't have to.  It will save us a ton of time putting it together on Christmas Eve.  Thanks!
                                                 Rainbow - Married - 5/31/03
                                               Christian Alexander - 11/13/06
                                        Amelia Rose & Owen Thomas - 3/29/11

    Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

    Lilypie - (eGB2)
    Be The Match - and help save a life by signing up for the National Marrow Donor Program.
  • I personally think it is a really bad idea to glue/nail them down. It limits their creative play, you most likely will not be able to fit all the train tracks you have on the table at once (mine only fits maybe 60% at one time - and it is a table/train set that came together. You will be wasting a bunch of pieces), plus you won't be able to take the tracks off and use the table for other purposes (which can be a really great thing to do). My DS is surprisingly OK with keeping the tracks together. Sure every now and again he pulls them all apart, or his friends do, but he is not able to put them back together himself in new ways (he can't figure out how to do the bridges yet, but that will come), or if I get annoyed I just put them all away and we set up something else on his train table.
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  • You guys have some great ideas, thanks!

    I don't really want to glue them down, I love the idea of the suretrack (sp?) or the one from Walmart that is already in one piece. I hate toys that have a billion pieces in general, yet I would hate to glue or nail down the train pcs bc the boys might like to build them at times, too.

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