
preschool gets a bad rap...

imo, let me preface this by saying that my kids will to a center were they will start the preschool program at age 3.  i have taught in a reggio emilia preschool program and i have also taught kindergarten.  i will teach 4th grade this year.  i really feel preschool is extremely important (whether its two mornings a week, or full days all week). 

the preschool i taught at was one of those that parents get their kids on wait lists when they are 20 weeks pg (the lady wont take names before then).  these kids were awesome learners.  kids left reading before kindergarten.  but they HAD FUN!  no one was forced to sit and repeat words or taught in an unpleasant way.  if you know anything about the reggio emilia program its all about the child and what they want to learn about.  i know my daughters school does not use a R.E. program, they just do their thing.  I am very excited for my daughter to learn not only the curriculum (because i can teach her that), but i am excited for her to have the chance to get messy (which we do rarely at home because my other daughter eats finger paints).  also the preschool dd is in uses the same curriculum as our school district so she will hear the letter/sound associations that will be used in kinder/first. 

even now she is not in preschool techincally, but she is in the "older toddler" program.  every morning they have circle time where they sing, talk, share, and count.  she knows her days of the week song and can tell you that daddy doesn twork on satuuuuurdays and sundays.  she is by no means FORCED to sit and repeat the days of the week...its fun and she picks up on it. 

she has also learned to stand in line, to share, wait patiently, and is obsessed with cleanliness because i think they wash hands there 9324029 times a day.  she understands there are rules at school you have to follow and understands there are consequences. 

again - not that this can't all take place at home, but going to preschool for academics or socialization isnt bad.  it doesnt mean you are sending your kid off to boarding school.  i think its done wonders for my child and most children that entered kindergarten in our school.

i just was reading the post earlier and i think preschool gets a bad rap. depending on the preschool it can really be a great experience for a child and realy help build an academic foundation that will help your child for the rest of their life. 

flame away. :) pick the post apart...




mom to Noel 3.17.07 Morgan 4.9.08 Taylor 10.27.10 Baby #4 Due in July mc 2.3.06

Re: preschool gets a bad rap...

  • I don't think it gets a bad rap.  I think everyone agrees that preschool is great for a lot of kids.  There are some that won't be ready for formal schooling yet and there will be some that don't need that environment before kinder. 

    My kids loved preschool.  But if I couldn't afford it or if I thought my kid wasn't going to get anything out of preschool, it absolutely is not a necessity. 

  • agreed dandi - if i coudlnt afford it i wouldnt panic because i know i could provide my kids with many of the same experiences. 
    mom to Noel 3.17.07 Morgan 4.9.08 Taylor 10.27.10 Baby #4 Due in July mc 2.3.06
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  • I sent both of my kids to preschool before Kindergarten and I think it really helped them be prepared for Kindergarten.  Plus since I am a sahm I feel it helped them transition to going to school.  Since 3 year old preschool was 2 days/week, 4 year old preschool was 3 days/week, then came Kindergarten at 5 days/week.  If they hadn't gone to preschool, I feel going from no school to 5 days/week would have been too much of a transition for them.  I totally agree that at least 1 year of preschool prior to Kindergarten is very important for today's children.

  • I don't think preschool is a bad thing at all.  It's just not for us.  I have all the tools I need to teach Carter what he would learn in preschool.  We also attend playgroup a few times a week, get together with friends, and he has classes (such as gymnastics) where he has to learn the ins and outs of a group setting (i.e. following the teacher's directions, waiting his turn, etc).

    I think that for some it works and others have different preferences.  I don't look down upon those that send their kids to preschool (no matter when they start or how old they are or how many days they go) and would hope people wouldn't judge me for not sending Carter to preschool at 3.5 y/o.  Although we are considering sending him every Sunday (it's 90 minutes long) to Sunday preschool.  Still up in the air on that one.

  • kers - that is an interesting option for sunday preschool.  i have never heard of that.  is it through your church?  during service? 
    mom to Noel 3.17.07 Morgan 4.9.08 Taylor 10.27.10 Baby #4 Due in July mc 2.3.06
  • imagesquishywife:
    kers - that is an interesting option for sunday preschool.  i have never heard of that.  is it through your church?  during service? 

    Yes, it's during mass on Sundays at our church.  Mass is usually about 75 minutes so they do the preschool for 90 minutes so it starts a few minutes before mass and ends a few minutes after mass ends.  That way parents don't leave mass early to pick up their children.  For ages 2 and under they have a nursery and then they have a 3 y/o preschool class, 4 y/o preschool class, and 5 y/o preschool class.  It is more religious based, with tying in a bit of preschool curriculum into it.

  • kers - that sounds awesome.  iw ish they had something like that for my dds.  we dont even have a nursery at dh's church...i couldnt even tell you what the homly was about sunday.  i really cant even tell you what the priest was wearing because i cant seem him from the mothers room (where we sit with the girls). 

    you are lucky!  i wihs i could pay attention in church.  im usually too busy finding sippies that have rolled under the pews.  yes we are that family at church!

    mom to Noel 3.17.07 Morgan 4.9.08 Taylor 10.27.10 Baby #4 Due in July mc 2.3.06
  • I personally think preschool is a necessity.  JMO! I feel that children greatly benefit from a structured (and fun!) environment away from the home before they attend Kindergarten.  That they come into K way above the curve and know how to properly interact in a classroom setting. 
  • imageAshley&Bryan:
    I personally think preschool is a necessity.  JMO! I feel that children greatly benefit from a structured (and fun!) environment away from the home before they attend Kindergarten.  That they come into K way above the curve and know how to properly interact in a classroom setting. 



    What I don't think is necessary is "more structure" in a 2-3 yr old's day.


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