1st Trimester

I have a million questions...

I got a BFP last night :)

I'm waiting for the nurse to call me back, and I have books on order, but in the meantime, perhaps you can help?

Can I drink a latte in the morning?

What can I take if I get a headache? Is Excedrine not ok?

Can I exercise per my normal (pretty intense, 2x/day) routine?

When will this nasty bloat go away? 

What books should I read? I ordered "Belly Laughts" and the "Everything Pregnancy" books, and one for DH that looked funny. Do you have other recommendations?

When is it "safe" to tell people? I've heard 8 weeks and 12 weeks. 

Is it weird that I'll be without DH when I tell my Dad? I only get to see him for lunch, usually, and DH can't get off work, and I can't NOT tell. It's driving me crazy.


Re: I have a million questions...

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    Congrats!  Try your hardest to avoid caffeine as much as possible, don't exercise too strenuously or to the point of exhaustion, anything with aspirin and ibuprofen in it I was told not to take, tylenol is recommended but ask you dr and we told close family at as soon as we knew and are telling everyone else after first u/s at 8 weeks!  Welcome to First Trimester Smile

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    I would suggest going on whattoexpect.com or babyzone.com and it will have all those answer's and more! congrats on the bfp!
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    Every pg woman has to make some decisions about what they will cut out of their diet or not.  For me I don't have caffeine when pg so that eliminates lattes.  For headaches you can take Tylenol.  No Excedrine.  Yes, you can exercise as normal but you may need to tone down the intensity as you'll get tired more easily.  Now is not the time to start an intense exercise routine but if it's something you're used to then it's fine.  As for telling people, that's a personal decision.  I did right away for both my pregnancies.  Our situation was a little different in that we went thru fertility treatment so anyone I told knew we were doing that and they were asking us all the time anyways.  For coworkers and acquaintences I waited until 12 wks w/my last pregnancy and will w/this one too.  As for telling your Dad w/o DH...how does DH feel about that?  My DH and I had people we told separately and that was fine w/us.  I like the What to Expect books;  others don't but I found them to be dead on (there's the one about the pregnancy and one about what to eat).

    Best wishes!

    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers
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    You may have a latte in the morning but make it a small one and limit your caffeine to 300mg a day... excercise for now is ok no heavy lifting...your bloat may stay for a longggg time... belly laughs is great..i hear what to expect when your expecting is good... if you wanna be in the safe zone to tell... i would wait till around 12 weeks... and no its not weird to tell without the DH.. Hope this helps!~
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    oh my.

    1. you need to limit the caffene intake so I am not sure a latte is a good idea, 1 cup of coffee is okay but I don't know what the difference in caffene is.

    2. Tylenol for headaches

    3.  You can excercise but you might want to tone it down at least a little bit, you can talk to your dr in more detail and tell him exactly what your routine (specific exercises etc) is.

    4. Mayo Clinic Guide to Pregnancy is great

    5. We told immediate family

    6. I don't know it is a personal opinion 

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    You do have a million questions...I'd wait for the nurse to call back because everyone's opinion is different on this stuff. 
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    I got a BFP last night :)

    I'm waiting for the nurse to call me back, and I have books on order, but in the meantime, perhaps you can help?

    Can I drink a latte in the morning?you probably shouldn't. you should only have about 300mg of caffiene a day.

    What can I take if I get a headache? Is Excedrine not ok?Tylenol seems to be about the only approved pain med.

    Can I exercise per my normal (pretty intense, 2x/day) routine?Listen to what your body tells you don't overdo it but you should be able to continue exercising.

    When will this nasty bloat go away? umm in about 9 months Wink

    What books should I read? I ordered "Belly Laughts" and the "Everything Pregnancy" books, and one for DH that looked funny. Do you have other recommendations?I haven't gotten any books yet but a girl from my motnh club recommended Girlfriends Guide to Pregnancy

    When is it "safe" to tell people? I've heard 8 weeks and 12 weeks. whenever you are ready to share

    Is it weird that I'll be without DH when I tell my Dad? I only get to see him for lunch, usually, and DH can't get off work, and I can't NOT tell. It's driving me crazy.I won't have DH with me when I get to tell  my mother more than likely.


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    Can I drink a latte in the morning?  A *small* one, if you must.

    What can I take if I get a headache? Is Excedrine not ok? ONLY take Tylonol.

    Can I exercise per my normal (pretty intense, 2x/day) routine? Make sure your heartbeat doesn't exceed 140.  Don't up your routine - stick to normal or go easier.

    When will this nasty bloat go away? Never, mwahahaha!

    What books should I read? I ordered "Belly Laughts" and the "Everything Pregnancy" books, and one for DH that looked funny. Do you have other recommendations?  Mayo Clinic Guide to a Healthy Pregnancy, and Conception, Pregnancy & Birth: The Childbirth Bible for Today's Parents

    When is it "safe" to tell people? I've heard 8 weeks and 12 weeks. A lot of people wait until the end of the 1st trimester, when your risk of m/c goes WAY down.  Or whenever you hear a healthy heartbeat on the Doppler.

    Is it weird that I'll be without DH when I tell my Dad? I only get to see him for lunch, usually, and DH can't get off work, and I can't NOT tell. It's driving me crazy.  It would only be wierd if you told HIS dad and he wasn't there.

    Thanks!  No problem!

    Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers
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    You do have a million questions...I'd wait for the nurse to call back because everyone's opinion is different on this stuff. 


    LOL, I know.

    Thanks everyone!

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    I'd go decaf on the latte and don't use aspartame to sweeten it.

    You can take regular strength Tylenol for a headache or use the Head-On stick.  No excedrine because of the caffeine in it and don't use any ibuprofin (Advil/Motrin) because it acts as a blood thinner.

    I would say keep exercising if you've been doing it, but drop it from "pretty intense" to "moderate" until you talk to your doc.

    As for the bloat, welcome to the club.  It'll fluctuate, but it's pretty much there to stay.

    I LOVED "The Girlfriend's Guide to Pregnancy" by Vicki Iovine.  And the book "Your Pregnancy: Week by Week" is good for the more clinical stuff about what baby's doing, etc.  "What to Expect" just made me worry.

    I told the day I tested (around 5 weeks).  It's entirely up to your and your SO.  "Safe" usually factors at the end of the first tri - around 13 weeks.  But, you have to decide what works best for you.  My theory was that if, God forbid, anything goes wrong we're just building a bigger support system by telling others what's up. 

    As for being with DH when you tell people - My hubby and I both told our families separately.  Again, it's whatever works best for you.  If DH can't get off work for lunch with your Dad, could you call him and put him on speaker phone so he's "there" when you spill the beans?

    Either way - Good luck, congrats and I hope some of this helped! :)


    Piper, 4/10/10
    Connor, 3/16/15
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    Can I drink a latte in the morning? You should cut back on the caffeine but if its a small latte and you don't drink any thing else caffeinated you are ok.

    What can I take if I get a headache? Is Excedrine not ok? Tylenol is the only thing I am allowed to take for headache that is over the counter.

    Can I exercise per my normal (pretty intense, 2x/day) routine? I would continue the work outs but maybe lessen the intense.

    When will this nasty bloat go away? I wish I could tell you. Mine just keeps getting worse!

    What books should I read? I ordered "Belly Laughts" and the "Everything Pregnancy" books, and one for DH that looked funny. Do you have other recommendations? I am in love with "The Girlfriend's Guide to Pregnancy". Personal Fav.

    When is it "safe" to tell people? I've heard 8 weeks and 12 weeks. Tell people when you feel like it. Having experienced a miscarriage, I am a little jaded. But I told all my family and closest friends already becuase if the worse happens again I want their support.

    Is it weird that I'll be without DH when I tell my Dad? I only get to see him for lunch, usually, and DH can't get off work, and I can't NOT tell. It's driving me crazy. No its not that weird. I told my dad and mom over the phone becuase I couldn't see them in person and wanted them to know.

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    Can I drink a latte in the morning? most doctors/midwives agree that 200-300 a day is okay, a latte with one shot of expresso is perfectly fine

    What can I take if I get a headache? Is Excedrine not ok? Most doctors/midwives agree that excedrine is no go but Tylenyol is okay

    Can I exercise per my normal (pretty intense, 2x/day) routine? check with your doctor/midwife. I have a 15mpw base and was training for a half, she canceled my plans and told me no. but I have no restricitons for first tri

    When will this nasty bloat go away? no idea, probably when the baby belly pops

    What books should I read? I ordered "Belly Laughts" and the "Everything Pregnancy" books, and one for DH that looked funny. Do you have other recommendations? belly laughs was funny and I'm reading Pregnanacy Week by Week and like it a lot

    When is it "safe" to tell people? I've heard 8 weeks and 12 weeks. I told family early 4-5 weeks, work some by 6 weeks and the rest in the coming weeks.

    Is it weird that I'll be without DH when I tell my Dad? I only get to see him for lunch, usually, and DH can't get off work, and I can't NOT tell. It's driving me crazy. No it is what it is have fun telling him

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    I would cut back on caffeine. 200 mg a day or half a cup of regular coffee. Tylenol is the only safe pain reliever. Exercise should be fine unless doc says otherwise. Bloat goes away around 10 weeks or so. It's a personal choice when you tell people. We did after we heard the heartbeat.
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    Congratulations! I generally advise listening to your doctor because there's a wide variety of rules out there. That said, to get you started:

    You can probably have a small latte, but you should keep your overall caffeine intake below 300mg per day -- though some guidelines say under 150mg. (I don't drink caffeine outside of pregnancy, so this has always been a non-issue for me.)

    You can take Tylenol for headaches.

    You will need to reduce the intensity of your workouts, and if you weight train, you might need to reduce the amount of weight you lift. (I'm a marathon runner and already reduced my mileage and speed, but I did run up until the day I delivered with my first pregnancy.) The important thing is to listen to your body and take a break if you need it.

    The bloat may go away in a couple weeks or may stay and turn into a baby bump. I never had any with my first pregnancy, but I have some major bloat going on now.

    I really liked "Fearless Pregnancy" and "Girlfriends' Guide to Pregnancy," and later, "What to Expect the First Year" and "Breastfeeding Made Simple." DH read "The Expectant Father."

    You can tell people whenever you feel ready. The risk of miscarriage drops to 3% after 8 weeks, but there is always that small chance. We tell our parents and siblings right away, but wait until the second trimester to tell everyone else.

    I think it would be weirder if you DIDN'T tell your dad when you saw him and instead waited for a chance to call him or see him together. He'd probably be like, "Why didn't you tell me when you saw me?!" ;)

    Emily 11.29.2007 | Kate 4.3.2010 | James 8.22.2013
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