
Did your baby's eyes stay blue?

Jilli's eyes have such a clearness to them that Mia's never had (Mia's turned brown).  I'm curious if this means that Jilli's will stay blue. Was this the case with your blue eyed DC?
Mia (6~24~06) & Jillian (6~29~09)

Re: Did your baby's eyes stay blue?

  • yep. DD's eyes were crystal clear blue. Still are.
    Audrey Elizabeth 11-11-06 image
  • Will's are the same way.  I thought for sure they would turn, since mine are so dark and H's aren't blue at all.  But nope, he's got clear blue eyes.
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  • DD's turned brown.  They were never really, really blue though.  I love her brown eyes, they're just like her dad's.
  • DD's eyes were a really vibrant blue.  The doctor even commented and said that they will definitely stay blue.

    She now has hazel eyes like her mommy :)

  • DD's were very dark blue at birth and then turned brown with a green halo

    DS's were steel blue, then lightened a little, and have stayed.

    Prosthetic eye dude that I work with says that if there are whitish streaks out from the iris they will generally stay blue, but that he's seen kids take up to age 2-3 to change completely.


  • DDs were a pretty, dark blue until she was two. Now they are hazel like us. DSs started changing much sooner, they are a blue hazel right now if that makes sense...brown and blue instead of green. We'll see how long it takes for the blue to turn green.
  • DS's eyes are still bright blue, but mine are too, so I figured his would stay blue anyway.

    ETA-- Love the new sig, that's adorable!

  • Great post! I was wondering the same thing. DH and I both have light brown, DS has dark brown eyes. DD was born with blue and they still are blue 3 months later. I am so curious if they will stay. The only blue in my family was my grandfather.
    Julian David 8/7/06 and Isabella Mia 5/14/09
  • All my DD's were born w/ such dark eyes that they almost looked brown.  But in the light they were really dark gray blue.  They gradually lightened to very pale blue for DD#1 & a royal blue for DD#2...DD#3 is still dark gray-blue.
    AKA Carol*Brady! IHO my upcoming 10yr Nestiversary--Back to old screenname. My own Marsha, Jan & Cindy... imageDesigning a Life Blog
  • All 3 of my LO's were born with blue eyes and have remained blue. DH and I both have brown eyes though. I though that for sure they would change but never did. They each have a different shade of blue.
  • Max's eyes stayed blue and have gotten lighter, not darker, so I'm thinking they will not change.  My eyes are green and DH's are brown so he doesn't look like us at all!
  • Both my DDs eyes were dark when they were newborn.  They got lighter!  They both have blue eyes now.
  • We're so curious about this, too.

    But Wes' eyes were never light light blue. Not gray either, but a dark blue.

    Some days they still look dark blue and other days greener. I wonder if this means they'll turn brown...(DH's eyes are green and mine are brown -- his brother's and mom's are blue though).

    The pedi. said by 5 months, we'd probably now, but they still don't look settled to me!

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