I see a number of posts about transitioning their DC#1 to a toddler bed/twin once they try to (or succeed in) climb out of the crib -- even if well before 2 yr of age but others saying a child of the same age who hasn't climbed out of the crib yet might not be ready to make the transition. Other than the safety issues of needing to move them to a bed, why would a child at 17 mo who climbs out of a crib be more ready for a bed than a child who hasn't yet but the parents choose to move to a toddler bed/twin? I would think that if a child who can climb out of a crib does fine in a toddler bed at 17 mo, that the same could be said for a child who hasn't yet climbed out of a crib who's the same age. I would think a toddlers temperament would play more of a role than whether they've climbed out of a crib (Wouldn't climbing out of a crib actually make it more difficult to get DC to stay in the toddler bed?). Either way, you have to work with your toddler to make the tranition.
Just curious why these two situations are looked at differently.
Re: Waiting till they climb out
I agree and also think that it all just depends on each child... some are ready sooner, others later.
DD hasn't attempted to climb out yet but we will give a twin mattress a try next month just because we think it would be more comfortable and easier for everyone involved since we are still a huge part of her bedtime routine but if she was going down on her own... I'm not sure that she would be ready for it just yet even if she attempted to climb out.?
They're not. It's solely a safety issue, and it's the parents' call. If you feel that your child isn't ready but is climbing out, you do have the option of a crib tent.
It does depend on the child, but it is MUCH easier to transition a 2.5-3YO to a bed because they are at an age where you can reason with them. Most kids under 2 that I know don't stay IN their bed and can get down and wander around.......
And yes, you have to work with your child at any age for the transition, but I find it easier to talk to a 2.5-3YO vs. a child under 2 when I need to explain the "why" factor.
1st off, I have no clue why people think 2 or 2 1/2 is the magic age to move a toddler to a bed. I moved my older DD at 18 months which was 3 months before DD#2 was born. I had no interest in getting a second crib and my DD transitioned with no issues. I told her once that she was not to get out of bed unless Mommy or Daddy were in the room and I swear, she was 3 before she got out of her bed when I wasn't in the room. It was such an easy transition. DD #2 was moved to her twin bed (both started with twin mattress right on the floor) at 17 months about a week or two ago. She also did great and no issues. She does get out of bed in the morning and it took about 2 nights of me staying in her room for 10 mins tops to get her to fall asleep and not get out of bed at night. In the morning, she gets up and waits for me by the door. I always have the girls doors shut at night due to our dog and she can't get out of her room and its 100% child safe so I am fine with that. I do tell her to stay in bed and we'll deal with it more when she can reach the door handle.
Neither of my kids ever tried to climb out of the crib, they sleep on cots for naps at daycare. DD#2 wants to be like her big sis and would always get into her sisters bed and play "night-night". She loves her bed. I don't believe that a specific age is any easier or harder - I think it has to do 100% with your child and what they can handle and also with mom and dad and what they can handle, are ready for and how they handle the whole situation.
It's because between 2.5-3, most kids are verbal enough at that point to communicate with you, and they understand more reasoning.
And the safety issue has to do with falling out of the crib if you don't transition them and they are climbing out. It has nothing to do with the room itself.
It's great that it worked out for you. It doesn't work out for everyone. Most people have a very tough time transitioning to a toddler bed or even a real bed if their kids are young.
I definitely think it depends on the child, and I agree with OP point that a child that climbs out of a crib is less inclined to stay in a bed- this is where we are at. We got a second crib, transitioned DS to his new room, he was doing great and then a few weeks later, decided to climb out of the crib. He does not STTN. Given his temperment, I didn't think he'd do well with a crib tent, so we went to a toddler bed. It's been challenging- I so wish he could still be in the crib. I do agree that once a child is more verbal, it would be easier to transition them, not to say that you can't find success with an early transition.
This is so a "every child is different" type of issue.
My best friend transitioned her son to a toddler bed shortly after he turned 2 in order to get ready for the new baby to use the crib. She said he was afraid to get out of the bed by himself at first. My 14 month old was climbing up and down on and off the bed throughout our entire conversation about this. My son thought it was great to have a bed low enough to get on and off without assistance. So her son at 2+ was staying in the bed but my little guy would've definitely been up and about in the same situation.