We love the name Aidan but can't decide on the spelling between: Aiden, Aidan, and Ayden. Opinions?
Also, any great recommendations for a middle name with Aiden?
Two possibilities: Aiden Michael, Aiden Tyler. Our last name begins with S and is 1 syllable.
Re: Aidan - Spelling + MN
I like Aiden for the spelling. For some reason Ayden seems more feminine to me, though I have no idea why.
I like Aiden Tyler... we wanted to pick Tyler for a boy name, but our last name starts with T and is 1 syllable. It would sound ridiculous, lol. But I still love that name. So I like Aiden Tyler. Aiden Michael sounds good, too though. Or Aiden Thomas maybe?
I like the spelling of Aidan--but it is because of personal reasons for me in my own life---if I was to have a little boy, his name would be Aidan Thomas or Aidan James (AJ). I have Irish heritage. . . Aidan Quinn (just makes me smile). . . and my first name is Diana--change the letters around and it spells Aidan--just makes me smile (this is just what would be from my heart).
But I also like the spelling of Aiden as well.
I'd go with the traditional Irish spelling, Aidan.
Aidan Patrick
Aidan William
Aidan Christopher
Aidan Matthew
Aidan Zachary
Good luck!
I liked the spelling Aidan. Aiden looks wrong to me & Ayden looks feminine.
I wanted to name my son Aidan Jeremiah (after my uncle) but changed my mind. I also like Aidan James, Aidan Thomas
Aidan! It is a little less popular than Aiden, but it is the "correct" way to spell. Now people are coming up with all kinds of spellings! I also really like Michael as the middle name.