
cloth diapering

I plan on CDing my twins. I am assuming I need to just double the number of diapers recommended for a singleton, but I want to make sure before I invest. How many did you guys get?  
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Re: cloth diapering

  • For me I figure that with 2 nbs in cloth and my toddler in cloth, I'll be doing diaper laundry daily. So I went with 2 dozen diapers per baby for a total of 48. If you use a system that requires covers get 4-5 covers per baby. A lot of people like to have 30 per baby, just base it on how often you want to do laundry. Most babies use 12-18 per day.

    My twin stash so far:

    48 preemie prefolds, 6 preemie covers

    36 nb prefolds, 28 kissaluvs size 0 fitteds, 4 drybees bamboo nb fitteds, 2 very baby nb fitteds, 1 mosaic moon fitted, one pair of wool knit longies, one crocheted wool soaker (i still need to get more covers)

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  • I'm also factoring in doing laundry daily with 3 in CD. (twins + 1). I have 32 KL0s. I should probably get a few more.... After that, I supplemented my DD's stash which are primarily OS and fairly extensive with another 30 or so fitteds. We'll see how that works out.
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  • I am CDing 3, and would recommend, if you use prefolds,  getting a dozen in the 2 smallest sizes...  Then figuring out sizing... my DS is already in the 2nd size (yellow) GM prefolds, and so I didn't need double stash, b/c DD is considerably smaller.  I am hopingthey stay a size apart soI don't have to double up... maybe you'll be as lucky!
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