
I hate choseing a car and a question after my ranting.

We have been having lots of problems with our car so we are taking it back in the morning.  I have been in talking with ford about this because we still owe $5,000-$6,000 on the car after trade in.  The dealer we are taking it back to (and bought it from wont help with the amount we would still owe) so the RM said he would give us x plan well my sil works for AT&T so we already have that number so he told us he would give us the extended warrenty for free on the new car.  The amount that we are still going to have to pay after we trade is the extra warrenty and the gap protection we bought (dh buys them for all his cars).  Now im looking at used cars on the lot instead of a new one.  The only one in our price range is the Fusion.  The focus is also but we have had 2 (loved them) but not really big enough for the second child we are ttc.  I now feel bad looking at used cars after talking with ford so much and then the RM helping us out (sort of).  ok rant over just not sure now what to do and I needed to talk to someone but dh is already sleeping and my sister is not calling me back.


If you were buy a 2007-2009 used car how many miles is to many miles?

Re: I hate choseing a car and a question after my ranting.

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