the swallow consult is where you sit with a therapist...dont know her exact title but that what I'm calling her. She took an indepth medical history, list of foods she ate and how much, talk about fears and any quirks. And then she watch her how she eats certain textures. And then they usually do a barium swallow test but the therapist said she sees nothing physically wrong with how she eats and that the upper GI report was normal. So she is recommending that we dont do the barium swallow. I'm ok with that but I'm waiting to hear from the pedi too.
She did mention Michelle's dark circles under her eyes. She ask if she sleeps ok and if she snores. She always snores off and on...even more so as a baby. She said to talk to the pedi about her tonsils and adnoids....they might be larger than normal which can cause her to snore and to be a picky eater and eat a lot less....she also notice shes a very careful eater with tiny bites and chews several times before swallowing
her BMs are still very soft and very explosive....think back as newborns and the diaper blowouts. Same I'm having to put a diaper on her instead of pullups. She's only potty trained for pee. So the pedi told us to lay off milk & dairy and no miralax until things settle down. So we are now on the opposite side of the issue lol funny but not funny....actually I'm gettting worn out with frustration.