I'll not get too specific, (not this board) but i see so many people on the boards who vent because the other people in their lives are not validating their feelings for them:
My Sister is not excited enough about my wedding
My best friend is not peeing herself silly with enthusiasm over my pregnancy.
My coworker hasn't shown enough sympathy for my miscarriage.
My brother is not helping us move into our new house.
Am I the only one that looks for what I need out of life emotionally from myself and my husband? Sure, it's nice to have the support of friends and family when you need it, but I don't really understand the "they're not happy enough" or "They're not sad enough" stuff!
Re: General vent about needy people
I think message boards are heavy on that stuff because you would sound RIDICULOUS griping about stuff like that IRL...so b/c people here post about their every passing thought sometimes (certainly not ME...but OTHER people...)
It would easily be one of the things that people miht want to say, but can't say it to anyone they actually KNOW!
btw, my neighbor's cat- I swear to god, she rolled her eyes when I told her I was pg. for the second time-can you effing believe that?
I think it sucks when people realize that others don't care as much as they thought they did.
Dear God, BOF - that's awful. Did you hiss at her?
<SNORT> at you both!