Hi. I'm 38 and DH is 41. We're going to start TTC soon but I have a question about an appointment with my Gyn and wondering if anyone has any advice. I can't seem to find the right 'home' on The Nest/The Bump to go for advice. Thanks in advance.
So, DH and I have a pre-conception counseling appt. with my gyn next week at Magee and I'm not sure what that all entails. Has anyone had this type of appointment? I'm not sure what to expect or what to ask. Of course, since DH and I are both over 35 (and I did post this ? on the Pregnant and 35 board, but no responses yet) and I have endometriosis, I'm gonna ask about risks related to those things, but anything else to ask or expect?
Re: New - Question about Pre-Conception Counseling appt.
My pre-c appointment was during my annual so he did the routine visit exams and then answered all 1000 of my questions. He gave me a prescription for PNV's and sent me on my way. He did say if I wasn't pg within 6 months to come back.
I'm now seeing an RE.
Good luck and welcome to the board!!!
I see you have made your way over here. Hopefully you have calmed down a bit since your last post on botb.
The doctor will have a set protocol for a pre conception appointment so there isn't much you'll need to prepare. In the meantime, we highly recommend reading the book Taking Charge of Your Fertility.
This is a great board, free of drama. We like it that way.
Again, GL to you.
I went to a high-risk specialist for a pre-conception appt. to discuss some other health issues I have and my concern about my age. The most important thing I took away from that appt. was that 35 is not the beginning of doom and gloom for baby making. He told me that number is from ancient research and has not been modified to reflect active, totally healthy women over 35 today. He said it's better to be a healthy 35+ woman than an unhealthy 25 year old.
He also said start taking PNVs and that if I didn't get pg six months after TTC, to go back.
Good luck and welcome to the board!
My pre-concept appt with the OB/GYN wasn't much more than a couple of questions, an exam, a referral for genetic couseling since cystic fibrosis runs in my family and making sure I was taking PNV with the instructions to come back in 6 months if not PG.
My DH did not have to attend.
Good luck!
Thanks for the info, ladies. I was going to not have my DH go, but he is so curious about it and thinks that there are magic answers about risks, etc.. so I figured that he can have someone other than me tell him that there is no magic formula or answer. Haha.
I'll just go with the flow of the counseling session and report back afterward. Thanks again!
Cathy - Yeah, no drama here. I was feeling sensitive and hormonal from switching pills and was primed for drama, I guess. I'm not really like that at all. :P I'm over it all. Thanks for responding to my post. Hopefully bygones are bygones.
Oh, and 2 questions...
What is an RE?
Do you need a prescription for prenatal vitamins?
Hi, I'm also 38 & just had my preconception appointment last month. I also have endometriosis; we have a lot in common! So, the appointment was very brief, as others have said. The thing that took the longest was waiting to get blood drawn to determine whether I'd been immunized for rubella, & also to check for cystic fibrosis. The doctor told me to start prenatal vitamins--no prescription--he said drugstore brands are fine & all pretty much the same. I had been taking Yaz (b/c of the severe cramps from endo) & he said to wait 2 months after stopping the pill before TTC (use back-up protection til then). I was surprised at this; I just thought you quit the pill and started TTC. He said my body needed to get back into a regular cycle & build up the uterine lining again (yaz keeps the uterine lining very thin). My endo is on my bladder; if your endo is on your reproductive organs, I'm sure you will have more to discuss with your dr about that. Good luck with your appt!
A RE is a specialist that deals with people who are having trouble TTC. You don't need to worry about that yet.
You don't need a perscription, any good over the counter PNV will do. Do pick up and read Taking Charge of Your Fertility. It is the ttc "Bible" around here and you will learn alot. It is great.
Also, reading back over previous posts will help you get a feel for the board and probably a few other answers and info.
Sassy1 - We do have a lot in common for sure. My endo is a bit outside of my uterus, but also on my bladder, so I have a bit of both. Lucky me. :P
Thanks for the info. My friend has TCOYF and is going to let me borrow it. And I will pick up prenatals at Target this weekend.
Off to read previous posts...
Thanks again!
my consult took place during my annual, but with a new Gyn referred to me by a friend.
She didn't flinch when I told her I was 40, but I attribute that to her good 'bedside manner'. She told me to start taking prentals (I take the over the counter kind) and to stop at Target or CVS on the way home and get some OPKs. She also asked that my DH get a sperm analysis before my follow up appt with her in mid-October.