We are headed up North tommorrow. We had planned to go to Storyland, but now Im hearing great things about Santas Village. Im stuck. Looking to get your thoughts if you been to Santas Village. Thanks..If you had to chose one??
You may already know this but anyway. If you go to either place after 3, you get admission for the next day. We didn't know this one trip and waited around the until the next day. We actually could've done a few hours after 3 and then gone back the next day. That would've been a great break.
We just got back this week - and I would say...Santa's Village without a doubt!!! Storyland was so much of the same rides and after having done Disney 1000 times, it just seemed like a knockoff that hasn't had the quirks worked out yet.
Re: Santas Village or Storyland..
We always did both in the same visit growing up.
How old are your kids?
Story land is great for kids under 6 or 7 I'd say.
Have fun! Heather
Mum to Owen and Lucas