DS is going to be 3 in two weeks, and we want to either give him a tricycle or a little bike with training wheels. DH thinks it would be easier for him to learn to use a tricycle at this age, and I know he's probably right. But since it's the end of summer, I know he will only be able to use it for a short time before it gets too cold, so I want something he will still love next summer too. Does anyone know, would he grow out of a tricycle by then (he's a pretty average size kid)? If we got him a bike, would he be able to use it at all now?
Re: bike or trike for 3-year-old?
We got one for dd when she was 3.5 and she took to it way better than her tricycle, which she never really got the hang of.
It depends on the kid I think. DS is 3 and loves his bike, but his little legs aren't quite strong enough to pedal for any length of time. He rides it for about 2 minutes and then switches to his trike. Our next door neighbor has a son who is 4 and he still prefers his trike, too.
Is there a Toys R Us near you? If so, you can always take ds there to let him test bikes and trikes and see which he likes best before you buy one. I know at the TRU near us there are a ton on display and there is a big open area near them for testing them out.
DD got a bike for her 3rd birthday. She still hasn't gotten the hang of keeping her feet on the pedals yet, but I think she'd have the same problem with a bike.
I'd go for the bike.
Charlotte Ella 07.16.10
Emmeline Grace 03.27.13
Bike. I bought Ethan another tricycle at around 3 y.o. because his old one was not a great one... and he hardly spent any time on it. Our neighbor had a bike and Ethan loved riding it... so shortly after we bought him a bike.
p.s. take him to TRU, there are always some on the floor that he can try riding.