
bike or trike for 3-year-old?

DS is going to be 3 in two weeks, and we want to either give him a tricycle or a little bike with training wheels. DH thinks it would be easier for him to learn to use a tricycle at this age, and I know he's probably right. But since it's the end of summer, I know he will only be able to use it for a short time before it gets too cold, so I want something he will still love next summer too. Does anyone know, would he grow out of a tricycle by then (he's a pretty average size kid)? If we got him a bike, would he be able to use it at all now?

Re: bike or trike for 3-year-old?

  • BIKE.

    We got one for dd when she was 3.5 and she took to it way better than her tricycle, which she never really got the hang of.


  • It depends on the kid I think.  DS is 3 and loves his bike, but his little legs aren't quite strong enough to pedal for any length of time.  He rides it for about 2 minutes and then switches to his trike.  Our next door neighbor has a son who is 4 and he still prefers his trike, too.

    Is there a Toys R Us near you?  If so, you can always take ds there to let him test bikes and trikes and see which he likes best before you buy one. I know at the TRU near us there are a ton on display and there is a big open area near them for testing them out.

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  • Bike. DS got one for his 3rd bday and took to it in like 10 minutes. We got a 12" one from tru.
  • DD got a bike for her 3rd birthday.  She still hasn't gotten the hang of keeping her feet on the pedals yet, but I think she'd have the same problem with a bike.

    I'd go for the bike.

    Annalise Marie 05.29.06
    Charlotte Ella 07.16.10
    Emmeline Grace 03.27.13
  • Bike. I bought Ethan another tricycle at around 3 y.o. because his old one was not a great one... and he hardly spent any time on it. Our neighbor had a bike and Ethan loved riding it... so shortly after we bought him a bike. 

    p.s. take him to TRU, there are always some on the floor that he can try riding. 

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