
Homeschooling Preschooler, help/advice?

Hi ladies!

I am going to homeschool my daughter this year (she's 4) b/c she got wait-listed. I am not a teacher and have never done any homeschooling before.  I could use some help figuring out where to start, projects, lesson plans, etc! How did you organize a normal day? I really want to prepare her as best I can for Kindergarten next year and get her used to the idea of a typical school day.  Please, I'll take all the advice I can get!  Thanks!

(I do have a workbook that her grandma sent, but other then that am feeling lost and overwhelmed!) 


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Re: Homeschooling Preschooler, help/advice?

  • do you have a teachers store by you?  They have alot of activity card type games, matching letters, numbers, colors, do calendar with her every morning, sing songs, counting activities, art, fine and gross motor, building.  Field trips to library
  • Check out she has daily crafts (I think it's daily, sorry) and also book recs that go along with the crafts. She also does a letter a week and has a lot of great ideas. The pioneer woman also homeschools and has a section on her blog about it, I know she has some older kids and I'm not quite sure how old her "baby" is. I also found this website on a different blog, you have to pay to use it, I didn't really check it out but you may find it helpful: . Hope that helps, I don't homeschool but I like to find learning crafts for DD. GL!
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    DD born 2007 & DS born 2008
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