I'm not interested in starting a debate on vaccines... sorry if that's what this ends up being!
My twins were born at 37 weeks (we were very lucky). I elected to wait until 2 months from their due date to start with their vaccines. I am considering spacing them out (ie one shot per week versus the 3 shots at the first appointment).
What did you elect to do with your LO? Did you wait and vaccinate at your LO adjusted age? DId you do all the shots at once?
Re: how did you decide to schedule vaccines?
We followed the regular schedule. When my kids came home from the hospital, there was an active and deadly measles outbreak in our city, so we were in a hurry to get them the vaccines.
Looking back, though, I wish we had split the shots up like you're thinking, 1 vax per week. It wouldn't have really slowed the process down much at all, but I think it would have been less painful and less overwhelming to their tiny bodies.
Robbie was a 26weeker and the NICU docs (and I spoke to all of them) all said actual age.
I opted to wait until he was a little bigger because he wasn't even 4lb yet, so he got them about a month late. They did them over 2 days as standard policy.
His 4 months shots, I did all at once (at 5 months) and he did NOT have a good reaction. So his 6 month shots (at 7 months) I did in 2 rounds over 2 weeks.
My Blog
My DS was a 26 weeker. He got shots at exactly 2 months old while in the NICU. He did fine with all of his shots. We did not give the rotovirus, but did all of the others. If I had it to do all over again I think I would probably follow an alternative schedule (Dr. Sears had a good one), not becuase of any problems, but just so that he wouldn't get so many shots at one time.