
People First Language

Going to get flamed to hell, but I don't care. ?

I have seen this here and IRL all the time. ?People are not defined by their disabilities; so they are not "retarded" or "ADHD" or "down syndrome". ?You wouldn't refer to a person as "cancerous"--you say "she has cancer". Likewise, a person "has autism" or "has ADHD". ?It's a part of who they are, but it does not define them.

That is all! ?:)?

Re: People First Language

  • Well put.  I'm going to use your cancer analogy.
  • I just got on here and didn't realize this may be in reference to the post below.  I'd say to cut moms a break.  If there is a faster way to say something on a message board and they are looking for help, loosen up.  People first is the right way to speak, but a friend of mine has raised her son right along with us raising our daughter.  Her son is on the Autism Spectrum.  My life has been difficult, being a new parent, being sleep deprived, having a 2nd, now being pg with a 3rd, other specific circumstances.  My friend's parenting life has been a billion times more difficult than mine and I'd hope people didn't rip her apart for the way she types out her questions on a message board.  And I am pregnant.  I didn't say a person with a pregnancy condition.  Your heart is in the right place, but this was the wrong time to post that if it was in reference to a mom looking for some help.  Post it later, and post it on all the boards.
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