In the last few days, Jack has become inconsolable in the evening. Everything he's enjoyed and has soothed him to this point isn't working very well. Any handy things you do that aren't the usual that work for you? TIA!
The only thing that we found when we were dealing with Adam's colic was putting him in his front carrier (not the Bjorn, but like that) and walking with him. I think DH wore a permanent circle in our carpet from walking him in circles for hours.
I also remembered this mornign that I had taken a mommy and me massage class when Bryce was about 2 weeks old. I learned massage techniques for infants and he always loved the massages and it was nice to give them to him and have our quiet time together.
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Mason hit a fussy period around one month. It would happen anywhere between 4-7 in the evening. We noticed it wasn't as bad if he had a decent nap in the afternoon. Walking him in the stroller always helped too, but that's because he falls asleep in the stroller! Running the hairdryer or vaccuum sometimes startled him enough that he stopped crying.
This "witching hour" lasted until he was almost three months (not what you wanted to hear, sorry!). We swaddled, fed, rocked...a little of everything. It was heartwrenching at first, but it seemed like he just needed a good cry. It got to the point where I would just hold him close and let him cry. It would last anywhere from 15 minutes to an hour.
He was a good sleeper though - I think the crying wore him out! Good luck - hopefully some of these techniques will help with your little one!
Awww, poor little guy, and poor Mommy and Daddy My first DS had a little of the fussys when he was around he same age as Jack. That is when I started his routine in the evenings and it helped A LOT to sooth him, around 8ish we would give him a bath using the night time soothing wash from J&J, and then I would swaddle him and nurse him right away...once he was dosing off I would stick him in his swing and let him fall asleep. Once we were ready to go to bed I would transfer him to the Fisher Price papasan chair (LOL I know) and he slept in the chair swaddled in our room until he was three months old. however, I did nap him in his crib unswaddeled so he was not "addicted" to falling asleep that way when it was time to sleep in his crib at night time.
1) like Rachel, just walking around holding him... in his carrier or in our arms. As soon as we would sit he freaked.
2) Gripe water... I would give it to him at 4pm, before I knew he would start crying and it calmed him down. Howvere, it also made him sleepy and started messing with his normal sleep schedule.
Laying on the floor and looking at the ceiling fan was helpful, especially if we were giving him "air time" (he loves to be naked). The bassinet that we used had a water sound (sounded like plunging something into a full tub over and over again ... or like a boat on a lake) and that worked really well to calm him for short periods. If I need to brush my teeth & get dressed then I'd set him in there with that sound. All the other usuals too ... swaddling, bouncing, music, sshhing, etc. Good luck!!
Thanks everyone. I'll be trying one (or all) of these tonight. DH has a meeting at 8 so I am on my own. He definitely is tiring himself out. He went to sleep at 11 last night and didn't wake up until 6.
Re: Any calming techniques?
first excuse typos im doing it one handed while he slleps on me. well weve been lucky n have a very content baby but this is what he loves
take his clothes off
swaddle him and swing side to side in arms
being out in fresh air
laying on stomach across arm
listening to music and watching tv
lately he isn't happy unless he is sitting up so he can watch us and the dogs
being swaddled in our tshirts
This one always gets him- laying next to me on the couch or bed and I take slow long deep breaths always puts him to sleep
This "witching hour" lasted until he was almost three months (not what you wanted to hear, sorry!). We swaddled, fed, rocked...a little of everything. It was heartwrenching at first, but it seemed like he just needed a good cry. It got to the point where I would just hold him close and let him cry. It would last anywhere from 15 minutes to an hour.
He was a good sleeper though - I think the crying wore him out! Good luck - hopefully some of these techniques will help with your little one!
Awww, poor little guy, and poor Mommy and Daddy My first DS had a little of the fussys when he was around he same age as Jack. That is when I started his routine in the evenings and it helped A LOT to sooth him, around 8ish we would give him a bath using the night time soothing wash from J&J, and then I would swaddle him and nurse him right away...once he was dosing off I would stick him in his swing and let him fall asleep. Once we were ready to go to bed I would transfer him to the Fisher Price papasan chair (LOL I know) and he slept in the chair swaddled in our room until he was three months old. however, I did nap him in his crib unswaddeled so he was not "addicted" to falling asleep that way when it was time to sleep in his crib at night time.
Good Luck, I know this is frustrating!
When Connor had colic only two things worked
1) like Rachel, just walking around holding him... in his carrier or in our arms. As soon as we would sit he freaked.
2) Gripe water... I would give it to him at 4pm, before I knew he would start crying and it calmed him down. Howvere, it also made him sleepy and started messing with his normal sleep schedule.
good luck!
TTC since Jan 07. Dx with PCOS Jan 08