TTC after 35

~~~Weekly Check In--8/19/09~~~

This is the weekly check in post for TTC After 35.
Everyone is welcome to join!  Page hav2run with your
info or add it to the weekly post and I will be happy to
add you.  A question of the week will be posted weekly and
everyone is welcome to post their updates for the week here too.  
I will try to get the post up on Wednesday nights.

Currently TTC

Nest Name_______Age____Location________TTC since

Mimi525-39, NY, TTC since 9/06
Kimisuejoia-35, UT, TTC since 1/07
Brosis-37, OH, TTC since 2/07
Mel0569-41,KY, TTC since 3/07
gymnst1013-35, PA, TTC since 4/07
FloridaKat-37, FL, TTC since 5/07
Marriedayooper-40, IL, TTC since 7/07
DMD1029-38, DC, TTC since 7/07
BirdieBrd-37, MI, TTC since 9/07
njdcgirl-37, VA, TTC since 9/07
oneandonlyyou-35, NH, TTC since 9/07
NantucketSunset-36, MA, TTC since 9/07
leslieb923-39, CT, TTC since 10/07
DrVWife-36,PA, TTC since 11/07
sel*stella-37, CO, TTC since 11/07
Babsie7-35, CA, TTC since 11/07
onemorelittleone-37, NJ,TTC since 1/08
bklynbridecesh-38, NY, TTC since 1/08
QE2-38, NJ, TTC since 3/08
FrannyS- 39, PA, TTC since 3/08
rsrn02-36, CA, TTC since 3/08
wiscgirl95-35, WI, TTC since 3/08
panda246-39, PA, TTC since 3/08
Lucky&Lola-35, LA, TTC since 4/08
lilacfritz-36, NY, TTC since 6/08
saverchic-34, IL, TTC since 7/08
pnltybox-37, NJ, TTC since 8/08
Stacia1633-39, MI, TTC since 8/08
akgram-35, IA, TTC since 8/08
OscarQ-35, DE, TTC Since 8/08
LizzyB11-38, IN, TTC since 9/08
ChartBart-39, NM, TTC since 9/08
rlkjos-35, NC, TTC since 9/08
rebelina1-35, CO, TTC since 9/08
mscandyman-37, VA, TTC since 9/08
Dochas-39, NJ, TTC since 09/08
Shyntrue-41, OH, TTC since 10/08
nuit-  CA, TTC since 10/08
ColoradoMelissa-35, CO, TTC since 11/08
bcn68-40, CA, TTC since 11/08
Momagain2009-36, PA, TTC since 11/08
Baze2-38, OH, TTC since 12/08
annies123-36, LA, TTC since 12/08
itsmexine-38, CO, TTC since 12/08
Joyfulnature, 39, PA, TTC since 12/08
CathyMD-38, Canada TTC since 1/09
HollyMichael-38, IL, TTC since 1/09
GymDogFran-39, GA, TTC since 1/09
L2theC42-36, PA, TTC since 1/09
kat28655-34, NC TTC since 1/09
funegirl- 39, OH, TTC since 1/09
ecu1995-35, NC, TTC since 2/09
hav2run-39, OH, TTC since 2/09
MrsPeachyKeen-35, GA TTC since 2/09
ecu1995-35,TTC since 2/09
taratru-35, CO, TTC since 2/09
NowDNAtoo-38, VA, TTC since 3/09
Julia-Henry-39, NY, TTC since 4/09
shells035-37, NY, TTC since 4/09
amnda1130-34, IL, TTC since 4/09
AnotherChance-36, FL, TTC since 4/09
aubie96-34, AL, TTC since 4/09
Mrs.BoomBoom-34, CA, TTC since 5/09
princess_shelly-35, CA, TTC since 5/09
nikkiw421-36, MI, TTC since 5/09
Irishsapphire-37, WA, TTC since 6/09
Lakesbride- VA,  TTC since 06/09
DoubleFlyaway-31, MI/DC, TTC since 06/09
ExAngel-35, CO, TTC since 06/09
JillAly-41, NYC, TTC since 7/09

TTC over 35 Mommies to be:  Success Stories!
***Please let me know when I can add you to this list!
I won't add you until you ask me to***

Nest Name    AGE    EDD        TTC Since

Lebraly-36, MD,        TTC since 9/08  BFP 4/09
livvielo-36, NJ,       TTC since 1/08  BFP 4/09
Married2MrWright-34,OK, TTC since 3/09  BFP 5/09 EDD 1/31/10
Sassystace-34, OH,     TTC since 4/09  BFP 5/09
Indianasunshine-39, TX, TTC since 11/07 BFP 5/09 EDD 1/23/10
NHnative-37, MA,        TTC since 6/08, BFP 4/09 EDD 1/28/10


Let's hear your TTC confessions!  What kind of crazy things have you tried or done while TTC?  Any obsessions or superstitions?  



Don't forget those updates.  Who is in the 2WW?  When are you
planning to test?  O dates?  Post those BFPs here!
Whatever you want to talk about!

I am running out of topics...PM me with any QOTW topics you want to see on here!

Congrats to NHnative, our newest mommy to be on our success stories list!  Wishing you a happy and healthy pregnancy!

I try to catch the updates on the check in posts.  My apologies If I miss anyone.  If I miss your update or your add me request, please post again or PM me.



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Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Re: ~~~Weekly Check In--8/19/09~~~

  • Updates:  2WW....not looking so good.  I also just found out that my thyroid levels are out of the point that they won't even discuss with me over the phone.  I have been stable since my surgery 12 years ago, so it is quite a surprise.  But, it might explain lots of things that have been happening lately.  I have an appointment to see my PCP to see what I need to do to get it stable again. 

    QOTW:  I am kind of boring, but I love to POAS.  During the 23 months it took TTC DD, I just felt better if I POAS at least once before AF showed.  For whatever reason, I felt like the cycle was a complete bust if I didn't test before the ol' biddy arrived.  I would stalk my chart and try to pick a day when I wouldn't be wasting the test, but could beat AF.  It was a race against the biddy every month.  IMO, that was the dumbest thing ever to obsess over, but I did.

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    Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
  • Not much to report.  Just doin' it like rabbits.  I should O tomorrow or Friday. 

    No big confessions, either.  I'm boring today.

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    Yes,I'm smiling...I'm a marathoner!
    Bloggy McBloggerson
    CO Nestie Award Winner-Prettiest Brain-Back to Back!
    2011 Bests
    5K-22:49 10K-47:38 Half Mary-1:51:50
    2012 Race Report
    1/1-New Year's 5K-22:11
    2/11-Sweetheart Classic 4-mile-29:49
    3/24-Coulee Chase 5K-21:40
    5/6-Colorado Marathon-4:08:30
    5/28-Bolder Boulder 10K
  • Loading the player...
  • Update:  I'm 2dpiui and trying to stay as sane as possible.  Start my progesterone suppositories tonight and will probably do a test on Friday to check and see if my trigger shot is out of my system.  Waiting to POAS to test is going to kill me.

    QOTW:  When TTC DS I would stalk my own chart.  I looked at it at least 3 times a day thinking maybe I would see something that would give me a clue.  This time with TTC #2 I've become even worse of a POAS-aholic.  It doesn't help that I'm home all day with DS except when we're running errands.  Also, I'm not temping with #2, so I can't look at my chart and say what's the point of testing.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker TTC #1 Cycle #18 m/c Jan. 9, 2007, chemical pg May 4, 2007, methotrexate shot Oct. 5, 2007--m/c Oct. 9, 2007, IUI Nov. 17, 2007 It worked! beta 11/30 & 12/6 TTC #2 Cycle #5 IUI July 20, 2009 -BFN 8-3-09 Cycle #6 IUI August 17, 2009-BFP! 8-31-09, beta 9-1-09, 9-8-09, saw the H/B 9-22-09 EDD 5-10-10
  • Please add me to the list. I just joined the bump last week.

     Age: 40, location: Long Island, NY, TTC on and off for 3+ years. But I guess you can put me down for 2 months. I started charting 1/2 way through my cycle last month, this will be my first full month of charting.

    QOTD: I look at my chart WAY too much. It's not goin gto change until the next day... so what am I looking at?? Hmm LOL

    I am currently in my 2WW, aka hell! I AM DYING to test but won't until Monday (at 15DPO), assuming I will need to. 


  • Update: On BCP gearing up for FET on 9/24 :) praying for sticky snowbabies!

    TTC craziness: let's see...I like to obsess over every twinge or gas pain and then proceed to dr google EVERYTHING! especially with IVF, I drove DH crazy asking him if he had the right amt of meds in the syringe, and if he was injecting it in the right spot and so on! (and he used to be a paramedic, so he knows what he is doing) I am off and on with HPT...sometimes I POAS all the time and then the next month I avoid them like the plague...I'm just a little neuortic about everything.

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  • Update: I'm in the 2ww, just barley. I O'd 2 days ago.  DH and I decided to give TTC 2 more tries on our own and then go straight to IVF so if we don't get pg on our own we will be starting our IVF cycle toward the end of October. I'm going to start taking DHEA to try to lower my AMH. We'll see how that goes...

    QOTW: I puffy hear POAS, I don't discriminate. I like OPKs, CBEFM, and PG tests.  Oh and I'm usually ready to POAS by day 10 it just hurts. Sometimes I give in just to release the build up of excitement and then I can usually hold out for another couple of days and sometimes AF is here by then so I only end up POAS once. 

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  • UPDATE: I'm either just in the 2WW or will be by tomorrow. There's been lots o' lovin' around  here,  so we're doing what we can. :) 

    I'm still pondering the ton of info I received a couple of weeks ago from the RE's office about my chances of conceiving with any kind of ART vs. au naturale. (short recap: My FSH is high. The doc thinks I'd have about a 5 percent chance each given cycle with ART, not much better than without. They are recommending DE. DH isn't willing) 

    For some reason, after all the panic, I just don't feel like rushing into anything. I'm pondering all sorts of things, including just continuing to try on our own and seeing what happens.  Also considering trying IUI to test my response to injectables, in either Septmember or October.

    QOTW: I used to stalk any and all charts, including my own, but I seem to be out of that phase. I still obsess with Dr. Google, and I put my legs up in the air after BD.

  • Update:  Had second follie check today with Debbie Downer nurse.  She was MUCH more optimistic today.  Apparently, my Estradiol numbers impressed her.  I now have 3 follies, two of which are 'large' (12 and 13), but 1 didn't grow at all since Tues (10).  She said this is OK and that I am off to a good start, since this is 'only' Day 7.

    Of couse, she could also just be manic with sever mood swings which have nothing to do with my progress. Wink

    QOTD: I test as early as 8dpo.  There.  I've said it.

  • Hey, I got a BFP on Sunday!
  • Let's hear your TTC confessions!  What kind of crazy things have you tried or done while TTC?  Any obsessions or superstitions?  

    Putting my legs in the air after TTC, it is so cute that my husband does the deed and then closes my legs together and pops up my legs into the air.  Won OPK and pregnancy tests on Ebay on Sunday so I should get them this week.  I know I should not have chocolate soymilk, but I just had one Odwalla chocolate soymilk yesterday. 

    imageimageLilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Premature Baby tickers Lilypie Premature Baby tickers image BFP on 07/18/08. Miscarriage 07/30/08. BFP 3/25/09. Confirmed second miscarriage, no heartbeat, no growth beyond 7 weeks, 5/19/09. TTC again, on baby aspirin, due to value of 23 on Anticardiolipin Antibodies. BFP 11/15/09. Brown spotting, Beta 3735 11/25/09, Beta 5602 11/28/09. Anticardiolipin Antibodies now negative, still on baby asprin. On 100 mg of Prometrium (progesterone) until 10 weeks. Good heartbeat at 1st appt. 12/16/09. Started taking fish oil. Perigestational hemorrhage and red bleeding 12/17/09. 2nd Ultrasound-8 weeks, still a heartbeat 12/17/09. Baby measured 9 weeks, still a heartbeat 12/23/09. Good NT Scan on 1/8/10, heartbeat 164. EDD 7/28/10. TEAM BLUE! Aidan Thomas born on May 26, 2010. Baby #2, BFP 11/27/11, EDD 6/5/12. TEAM PINK! Noelle Elizabeth born 4/30/12. Blessing from God, Blessing from God, Blessing from God, Blessing from God.
  • Hi ladies!

    Update: If you didn't see my previous post, I got a BFP on Monday night! YAY! I am praying for a sticky baby :-)

    I was not super obsessive about TTC other than staring at my FF chart 100 times a day, as if somehow analyizing it would give me some sort of clue.

    I don't think I tried anything too crazy-green tea for EWCM, B6 for my LP, some pineapple core at 3-5 DPO. I used Pre Seed and OPKs the cycle of my BFP.  I don't think I needed the OPKs though-in the 3 cycles I charted I O'd on CD15 every time.

    Good luck all!

  • Hi! I'm in the 2ww. Got lucky with the timing this month and we went at it all weekend. : ) I should be testing on 9/1. I'm on vacation next week so I might be able to wait. Hopefully I will have a reason to test (besides insanity). I really don't have any rituals. I chuckled reading some of the other responses-some of our husbands are the ones that do! He doesn't hold my legs up but he always says "just lie still. give my boys a chance".lol
    TTC since September '08 After 2 m/c - lap for stage 3-4 endo Oct '09 Bravelle w/Ovidrel trigger - iui on 11/07 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Update: Will start OPKs this weekend and hope for a smiley face soon. Got totally confused with what constituted AF this month (one day only???) and missed my window to take my Femara.

    QOTW: I trieId the Mucinex and green tea and didn't notice a difference. Every month when trying, I would try to wait it out before testing. I would play the "Wait and see what happens tomorrow with my temperature" game. I usually could wait until the temperature drop showed up.


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  • Hi-

    Please add me :) ccbanana, I am 32, from the northeast.  TTC #1 since 10/08.  Cycle 11.  I've had laparoscopy, hysteroscopy, sonohystogram, hsg, you name it.  SA was normal.

    My TTC confession:  I buy OPKs in bulk from  I seem to be addicted to peeing on things.  Embarrassed

    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • In the 2WW... Very moody the last couple of days... I keep chanting to myself... "it's probably just the progesterone"    Snapped at my DH this evening... I hope that doesn't last too long.

    QOTW - I do the legs in the air bit too...  Took wheatgrass to improve egg quality, did the pineapple core for DPO 1-5 this cycle......

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  • TTC: Starting taking my B6 again last week and I finally got some semblance of a line on my OPK's - meaning they are no longer snow white but have some pretty evaps I guess lol.

    QOTW:  I have peed on 4 pregnancy tests in one day even though the first one was totally negative - my resoning was maybe I didn't have enough hcg in my system for it to show up at 8:00 am, but at 11:30 am it might be a whole different story.

 's a sickness.

  • Just got back from vacation and was unable to chart my temps but if history serves me right, and EWCM is the sign, I think I O'd while in Mexico.  Hopefully we made a little souvenir! 

    QOTW- nothing too crazy but DH did tell me he secretly says in his head "go get 'em boys" afterward.  

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  •  sorry i'm late

     have2run; still lurve those pix of DD, she's just so cute!

    update- i think i'm in the two week wait, i dont know dh and i took a "break" this summer,  i was really sick back in may/june/july so went back on BCP, for extra safety since all the meds inhalers nebulizers i was taking were harmful.  this month no bcp's back to RE's next week for the next plan, got 2nd SA results and they have improved drastically!! yay. i'm on CD 25 so AF should be coming up this coming weekend then who knows depends on what RE says`

    obsessions:  i love to POAS,  CBEFM, OPK'S HPT's  i was going through withdrawls these last 3 months.

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  • I am in the 2ww, 7 DPO.  I am going to test on friday though to see if I can get an early BFP because we are going to Magic Mountain Friday night.  That will be 13 dpo, anyone recommend an early HPT that can pick up HCG?  We had OK timing, not great but OK.  We had sex on 1 high day (2 days before O) & 1 peak day (day of O, 2nd peak day on cbefm).

    please send the baby dust my way, I could really use it!

    We are not using or trying anything other than regular old S-E-X!

  • Update: IUI #1 was a BFN. AF actually came a day early. Started clomid for IUI #2 yesterday. The post wash count numbers were so low for IUI #1 that I am not sure I agree with trying another IUI, but I guess I will go with my drs. recommendation. I do have an appt with the RE for the end of Sept if this IUI doesn't work. DH also has an appt with the urologist on Thursday to see if we can figure out what is going on. He also came with me to the acupuncurist and she has him taking a bunch of herbs.

    Confession: I had a very faint second line on a hpt the second cycle we tried. Turned out to be a chemical pg. I didn't have much experience at that time with POAS so I wondered if there was always a faint second line. For some reason, I was obsessed with knowing if it was really a chemical. I guess I thought if I was pregnant that was a good sign that it would happen again (ha! little did I know).  So, a few days after AF left when I knew the hpt would be negative, I POAS to find out if there is always a second line.  Nope, no line, so I guess it really was a chemical.  Now that I have POmanyAS, this makes me laugh.  What a weirdo I am! 

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