(I'm new over here - have lurked since finding out I'm having 2, but am incredibly cautious; hi all)
I'm 7w0d today and had another u/s - two heartbeats, everything looks great, but they saw a bleed. She said it wasn't big and not to worry and just take it easy, but I've had bleeding "episodes" that have never come from the uterus that they could tell... but now this.
I'm freaked about this, but trying to remain chill. So, is more common with more than one? Anyone have one that worked out fine? I just need some reassurement because google is my enemy. TIA
Re: SCH more common with 2?
I had one at the beginning. I had bleeding from 6-12 weeks. They had me come in everytime I started bleeding... lots of rest.... and no exercise. I also googled and scared the crap out of myself!!! Don't read those stories. Most people are just fine with the SCH, they just don't post the positive stories online.
My RE said they were pretty common with ART....
9/13/09-Twin boys born at 23 weeks due to Pprom.
Ethan and Jacob-our beautiful angel babies lived for 11 minutes and 23 hours.
Single embryo FET 12/2009-BFP! Blake born 8/2010 at 39 weeks after 36 hours of labor and an emergency c section < IVF 2- BPF! Due April 27th Our Story
I'm sorry - it's so scary, right??
I had one with my daughter and I had a huge one yesterday with my twins. I have no idea why it happens ,but it seems that when I'm PG I get them.
I had a "significant" one at 14 weeks. I spent 1 night at L&D, the 10 days of bedrest. They monitored it weekly by u/s until I stopped spotting at 20 weeks. I haven't had any bleeding episodes or complications related to it since. I'm now 33w3d, and both babies are doing great! For what it's worth, I had two singleton pregnancies prior to this and never had one with either of those.
Mine started 2 weeks ago today and it hasn't let up, definitely not as awful as the first night, but I dread each bathroom visit. It's very nice to hear all of the positive stories on here, I've been scared for awhile now.
Did your doctors monitor you more frequently? After my trip to the ER, my doc only saw me last week and said would follow up at my next monthly appt which is 2 weeks from now. Would you push for another visit?