Baby Names

Thougths on Avery?

I just thought of the name, and I like it. I've seen it used for a boy or a girl, but I was thinking of using it if we have a girl. WDYT? Too popular? It was number 38 on the SSA name list, but I have never met one in person.

Re: Thougths on Avery?

  • I have heard of a few locally, so I feel like it is getting popular. It's not a bad name, just NMS because I like names that aren't unisex.

    You might want to check your state list if you're curious.

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  • NMS and to popular too. But if you really like it use it, it's your baby.
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  • I think that it is very popular, and it reminds me of that really mean girlfriend on Jerry Maguire.... it is cute though.
  • it's okay, not my favorite, but i don't hate it.  i like it better for a girl than a boy.
  • I like it. My friend named her DS Avery because it wasn't too popular, but then when he started daycare there was a little girl in his class named Avery. I'm used to it for a boy, but it's fine for either!

    Baby #3 is on the way! EDD  3/8/15
  • I already know 3 of them, so IMO, it's too popular.
  • Absolutely LOVE this name for a girl.

    We were planning on using this name if baby #2 was a girl!

    LOVE it!!!!  


  • Eh. it's ok. There are a lot of Avery's where I live.
  • Love...Love it!!   If we have a girl we are going to use it...

    Avery Elise R.....

    i know its gaining on popularity, but I have yet to meet one.  And I am a teacher!  

  • I don't like it at all. It's a boy name to me because of Charlotte's Web.?
  • LOVE it (see name poll) but I'm afraid it's going to be the next "Jennifer"... not sure I can get past that

    DD february 2010 | DS october 2011

    *please excuse my typos, bumping from my iphone*
  • I like the name, but DH didn't. One of the many names that have been vetoed.


    I think it's a very pretty name for a girl. Big Smile

  • I like it but unfortunatley I think it's WAY too popular so I wouldn't use it.  JMO but you should name your child what you like/want.
  • We have an Avery (DD) - I hadn't heard of that many until we had one - but I will tell you that you will run into mostly boys!!

    I like that people always say they like her name - and I am glad we picked it!! :)

  • Avery is a cute name (for both...but seems more girly now)

    FWIW- I am a teacher and doubt her class would be inundated w/ other kids of the same name. When we named DD- Brianna was like #14 on popularity list. We ended up spelling it differently but she still has not encountered others who share her name (any spelling) 

  • I know a very cute little girl named Avery but I personally like it for a boy.
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  • my daughter is named Avery Grayson (I like unisex names) We were going to call her Avery but we went with Gray because Everywhere I went I heard someone call a child Avery and the first baby of this year was Avery and one of my fave shows had an Avery character come on.  I put Avery as the first name so when she goes to school if she likes Avery better then she can go by that name because that is the name the teacher will call out at first. 
  • I love the name Avery for a little girl (I also think of it as a girl name and not boy...)  But I think it is becoming pretty popular as well.
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  • NMS.  But FWIW, I think it's better as a girls name.
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  • It's pretty cute. It's kind of like the Ashley of the 80s. It's a nice name, but in 20 years, all the Averys will be of the same obvious generation. Kind of like the Emmas and Bellas although Avery is a lot punchier than Emma and Bella, IMO.
  • Avery was #38 in popularity, but statistically, there were 1.5 Avery's per 1,000 babies.  I wouldn't really call that common. 

    Check the stats on your individual state, though.

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