
I have a question about the diva cup...

So ok, does it work like, through suction?

Because the first thing I think is how my contacts work through suction. And sometimes they get stuck to my eyeball and I have to really work hard to get them off.

What happens if the diva cup gets stuck to your bajayjay?


My babies!! Patrick Aydin, 9.24.07, and Alia Noor, 6.1.11 imageimage

Re: I have a question about the diva cup...

  • I didn't use the cup, but I used a diaphragm for a while (until I realize I wasn't fertile so its use was a waste). if you work one during your period, it works the same way...

    It prob works bc there is only so much room in there and yea, I guess suction. But it pops out --- you had to sort of get a finger under the diaphragm to get it out. I think the diva cup is smaller...

  • Yes, there is a suction aspect to it, but it's very easy to remove. You release the suction by simply squeezing the end of the cup (which is NOT flush to your cervix or any other part of your body). It's just not possible for it to get stuck.
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