
Big Brother watchers....

#1. Natalie needs to go. She is probably one of the most annoying people EVER on that show.

#2. Lydia is a bipolar nut job. Jesse should be afraid of her. She seems almost stalkerish crazy.

#3. Love, love, love Jeff and Jordan. Hope they make it to the finals.

#4. Chima. OMG. I know she's been to hell in back IRL, but man is she a diva.

#5. Love how Jesse's clan is all pissy about not being in power. Their tantrums are comical & Confused

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Re: Big Brother watchers....

  • Last night's episode was pretty entertaining.  I don't know what Lydia's deal is - she should be thanking Jeff for taking her off the block with his coup d'etat choices.  That woman is making me crazy.  But I totally agree that Natalie has to be the next one to go. 

    Delaney Grace - 6/29/06
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  • Nut jobs...all of those women except Jordan.  They were happy, happy, joy, joy while THEY had control.  Everyone of them has lost it since.

    And Kevin...he needs to break out of that pack and just go over to the other side.  He's far too nice for the BSC squad he's aligned with.

  • imagemlm1128:

    And Kevin...he needs to break out of that pack and just go over to the other side.  He's far too nice for the BSC squad he's aligned with.


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  • I keep wondering what Kevin is doing with those girls... he totally needs to go over to the Jeff/Jordan side!
    Delaney Grace - 6/29/06
  • 100% agree!

    Lydia is a trainwreck!  Jesse should most definitely be afraid of her.  Did you see when he was HOH how she would go into his room to watch him sleep?  WTF!?  

  • Exactly...was so happy to see Chima go last night..
    Brandi dd - Emma Rose - 6.24.06 dd - Alexis Grace - 09.03.10 Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • Word for word. I only got to see a little bit last night. I am going to watch it today.
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