Did you notice symptoms any earlier? Did you just have a feeling (like a mother's intuition thing) that you were pg?
For the past 2 days I have had nausea (like it is in my throat ready to go-sorry if TMI), heartburn (no matter what I eat and the only other time I have ever had it was 3rd trimester with DD), exhaustion, and constipation. I was always throwing up when I was pg with DD (the ENTIRE pg). So the nausea thing is the big factor in me thinking I could be pg. I'm not supposed to start until Sat night, Sun morn. That is if my cycle stays regular since this is my first month off the pill. Is it too early to have symptoms? Just curious. I'm just hoping I'm not reading too much into things. I know there could always be other explanations for all this. But if I start puking, I am DEFINITELY peeing on a stick! Thanks for any info
Re: when you were pg with your 2nd child
With my first, I just knew it.
With my second, I was sure I was NOT pg.
my husband knew before I did- he said I was acting pregnant.
my favorite restaurant made me sick, I was super tired, and I barfed once-just the exact same way I barfed when I was pg. with Juney...
so he made me take a test, but it was -
then a week later I had one lying around, took it, and now there are 4...