
Since its slow...Lets find me a career.

I want to go back to school in the spring really really bad.  Only porblem is that I have no idea what I want to be.

So I really enjoy being around people (like helping as in customer service) and not too techy so nothing computer wise.  I always wanted to be a teacher in h/s and  growing up but now that I have kids I dont want to.  Have any ideas?  Im up for anything as long as it pay pretty good and is a 2yr program.   I know that doesnt leave much but Im open to pretty much anything.

I have thought about social work but not sure if I am cut out for that.  Plus it doesnt pay well for what you do.  Its hard to keep work and life seperate in that field as to what I have been told.  Esp when you have young kids.

I also dont want anything in the Med. field unless it doesnt require me to actually "care" for people.  I could take blood, give shots, take xrays and that sort of thing.

Re: Since its slow...Lets find me a career.

  • How about something in the medical field?  Most social work positions require either a bachelors or Masters.  I've done that and went back into teaching.
  • Dental hygienist?
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  • I think you could be a radiology tech or a phlebotomist- that person who takes blood.


    DD 7.28.06 * DS 3.29.10

    Christmas 2011
  • What about a Paralegal, Legal Sec, or Court reporter.  They are all 2 year degrees.
    BabyFruit Ticker DS 6/6/06
  • I'd do nursing provided that you wouldn't one day want to pursue a Master's.  There are 2 yr and 4 yr programs.  Nurses are always in demand.  You could get a job anywhere if you were to move. 
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I second the radiology tech suggestion :)
  • medical assistant or nurse

    Social work is a tough field.  My sister is a social worker and has had to work 2 jobs for a long time to get by.  She finally got one that pays enough that she doesn't need a 2nd.

    Have you just looked through majors at a local 2 year college to see what they offer?

    Annalise Marie 05.29.06
    Charlotte Ella 07.16.10
    Emmeline Grace 03.27.13
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