

do women not shave/wax/whatever when they have a mustache?


  • is it a REALLY dark one? or just a barely there one? Maybe they didn't notice it? Maybe they're afraid it'll just make it worse?

    I wax my caterpillar... :)

  • i don't know. my beautiful friend has a dark fu-man-chu and it drives me nuts.
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  • imageamiamish:

    is it a REALLY dark one? or just a barely there one? Maybe they didn't notice it? Maybe they're afraid it'll just make it worse?

    I wax my caterpillar... :)

    I know this isn't exactly the point of this post but, what kind of wax do you use?

    Dee Dee DS Elijah Xin 3/11/05 DD Evangeline Mei 8/24/06
  • Well I love to twirl my mustache so that is why I don't shave/wax/tweeze.  I love ta twirl.
  • My sis bleaches.  She has PCOS :(

    A grad student I knew in college seriously had a stash like a man.  I felt really bad for her that she was so oblivious.

  • by the way, I told DH that if, God forbid, I'm ever in a coma -- he's priority is to make sure my lip and chin hair are non-existent and my eyebrows get waxed. i made him promise. I also have PCOS.
  • For the same reason I have been walking around in desperate need of a pedicure for the past 2 weeks, they just don't friggin' care anymore.?
  • imagebebemama:
    For the same reason I have been walking around in desperate need of a pedicure for the past 2 weeks, they just don't friggin' care anymore.

    totally different!

  • because everything gives me a rash that ends up looking worse than the hair.
  • I don't think we're all picturing the same woman-mustache here. We're talking full hair, like a man's. Not your basic hair above your lip!
  • #6#6 member

    I go to church with a woman who has dark hair above her lip.  She never does anything to it.  Its long too.  I have no clue why she never does....its pretty gross and makes me think of the bearded woman all the time. 


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