Oh geez, am I the only one that thinks this is cool news? Every interview that she's had has always mentioned her desire to have more kids. Good for her.
Yes, I remember reading somewhere that he knew her when she was a little girl. To me age isn't an issue in a relationship, whatever works for the couple is just fine with me. BUT, it is creepy if as an adult you knew your wife as a little child! eeewww
Re: oh Sh*t - Celine Dion is PG!
Her son is 8.5 and in his first year of school? her hubby skeeves me out
I thought I read a while ago that they split up. That's awesome though.
And did I read that right? Her son is 8 years old and just starting his first day of school?
Her H is really gross.
I just read it as his first year of private school? I don't know, how can he start school at 8?
oh and I agree Kor!
The thing that skeeves me out about their relationship is that they met when she was like 10 or something right?