.... so DD was up Monday morn at 330 am ... and up until 430 p.m. she had MAYEB slept an hour or so broken up in that time ... she was just a mega fussy butt!!! She has issues with Reflux and I know that prob contributes to her fussiness. But yesterday was HORRIBLE ... and massive spit ups ....
My mom came over for a few and saw I was a wreck ... she left adn called later and said she'd take DD so we'd only have DS .. who wakes maybe once or twice at night and is a good baby all around (though he fussed more than usual yesterday too)
SO I dropped off DD and my mom sadi to come get her at 1 pm .... NOW I'm dreading that time!!!!!! and I feel guilty about that! I was happy to get up once at night ... got sleep ... and was able to snuggle with DS ... which rarely happens cuz DD is always fussing and such.
One baby mommas don't know how good they have it!!!!
.... then I think "oh how about those poor trip mommas!!! ouch!"
Re: Massive Guilt ....
this is the hardest time of all. i swear, i thought i was going to lose my mind when my boys were 2 months old. it's okay, it will get better. and don't feel guilty. your daughter won't remember this, and my gosh, i remember not wanting to come home from work when the boys were in a "difficult" phase.
hang in there, and just be glad your mom was able to help. that's so awesome!
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Pea-kay is soo right, this is probably this toughest time you will go through. Each age has its own set of challanges, but the first 3-4 months were the hardest of my life. I really think I want to have more kids, but then I think about going back to that stage and I just can't do it. Anyway my smallest twin had issues with reflux as well, do you have her on medicine? At the 8 week check up she was pretty bad and the spit ups were immense, so we put her on Zantac and it got so much better. Her fussiness went down a lot and she was sleeping better and the spit ups stopped.
Do not feel guilty about dreading picking her up from your Mom's, we all go through this when we are stressed. I just spent 2 1/2 weeks breaking my girls of the paci and I dreaded spending the afternoons with them because they were not napping well at all and I knew every afternoon was going to be hard, and it was. I felt guilty for watching the clock everyday, saying when is it going to be 6PM so I can start their bedtime routine and get them down to sleep so I can relax. It will pass, there are better days ahead. Keep your head up you are doing a great job.