
Fundal height with twins?

Anyone have a link to show fundal height with twins? I have tried googling and I can't seem to find anything. TIA!

Re: Fundal height with twins?

  • Don't know of any sites, but at 16w I was measuring 20w, at 17w I was measuring 24w, and at 20w4d I was measuring 27w. 
  • I looked for one also, but never found one.  I think that could be because fundal heights can be really variable so they're hard to compare.  There were times my doctor and the nurse would be 2 inches off from each other.  I can't remember mine, but I started measuring bigger than a singleton around week 20 and by the time I delivered at 38 weeks I was measuring 52 weeks!
    After a PCOS dx, 18 months of trying, 3 rounds of clomid and 2 follistim IUIs our babies are here!
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  • I couldn't find a chart either.  Last week I was 29 weeks and measured 39 weeks! 
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